Maybe this will be the beginning of a trend? Flat taxes, cutting foreign aid, a referendum on Europe, grammar schools. Who knows?

I have become increasingly used to the Tory party mimicking our policies and phrases in a desperate effort to pretend to their members they are still Eurosceptic.

The banking collapse was caused, more than anything, by bad government policy and the total failure of bad regulation, rather than by greed.

It's the FSA and its plethora of EU bodies that's failed.

I have been unsure, from the start, what the Occupy movement was all about, although I did suspect that it was just fatuous, anti-enterprise, left-wingery.

It's hardly a radical idea to suggest that regulators and legislators understand the law now, is it?

The great and the good will decide what is good for us and make sure that we get what is good for us, good and hard.

Minimum sales prices for alcohol are a startlingly bad idea. As with excise duties, the effects are regressive.

If I was a Greek citizen I'd be out there trying to bring down this monstrosity that has been put upon those people.

Greece isn't a democracy now it's run through a troika - three foreign officials that fly into Athens airport and tell the Greeks what they can and can't do.

Puppet Papademos is in place, and as Athens caught fire on Sunday night he rather took my breath away - he said violence and destruction have no place in a democratic country.

It's a European Union of economic failure, of mass unemployment and of low growth.

I think that politics needs a bit of spicing up.

Either you support the existing global elite, or you want real change and believe in nation-state democracy.

I'm quite good at bringing people together.

Let's get real: would any American president seriously open up their borders unconditionally to Mexico as the U.K. has done to the whole of the E.U.? No chance.

The real question is, at the end of the day, do we want to run our country? Are we proud of who we are? Are we happy to be just a star on somebody else's flag, or do we want to be an independent nation?

I'd love to tell you that everyone who voted Brexit felt like me about the country, about the Union Jack and the cricket team. But I don't think that there's as much romanticism in it, perhaps, as people think.

We've been very lucky to have UKIP in the U.K. If we hadn't been here, the BNP would be doing very well.

I have known several of the Trump team for years, and I am in a good position with the President-elect's support to help.

I have made comments in favour of British people getting jobs over and above those from southern eastern Europe.

I think I am quite a good listener.

The great skill of investment is to know when the right time is to get out. Getting in's easy.

The Corbynista brand of politics representing metropolitan, middle class, pro-open border values is far removed from millions of Labour voters, especially those who voted Leave in the referendum.