"I don't understand the whole dating thing. I know right off the bat if I'm interested in someone, and I don't want them to waste their money on me and take me out to eat if I know I'm not interested in that person."

"What money is better bestowed than that of a schoolboy's tip? How the kindness is recalled by the recipient in after days! It blesses him that gives and him that takes."

"Many people take no care of their money till they come nearly to the end of it, and others do just the same with their time."

"Flattery is a kind of bad money, to which our vanity gives us currency."

"I have to much money invested in sweaters."

"I love to go to Washington -- if only to be near my money."

"A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don't need it."

"Fortune truly helps those who are of good judgment."

"We at Chrysler borrow money the old-fashioned way. We pay it back."

"Value is not made of money, but a tender balance of expectation and longing."

"I like money. That is, it is my preferred means of completing pecuniary transactions. I'm not particularly keen on handing over wads of currency of the realm, but at least one knows where one is, whereas the chequebook is a snare and a delusion, containing misleading numbers of blank cheques when none of the money that the bank contains is rightfully one's own. ... I think banks owe their customers a lot by way of compensation for the aggravation they cause them."

"Money is the worst currency that ever grew among mankind. This sacks cities, this drives men from their homes, this teaches and corrupts the worthiest minds to turn base deeds."

"For money, you would sell your soul."

"I have ways of making money that you know nothing of."

"The way to make money is to buy when blood is running in the streets."

"Piling up knowledge is as bad as piling up money. You have to begin sometime to kick around what you know."

"It's important to me that money not be important to me." 

“Money can't buy you happiness. It just helps you look for it in more places.” 

“There are a lot of things money can't buy. Not one of them is on my son's list.” 

“I just filled out my income tax forms. Who says you can't get killed by a blank?” 

Just as it is the love of money that is the root of all evil, it is the belief in shamefulness that is the root of all misery.

I think maybe in a way it gets worse because you come in with a real reputation and they've paid you lots of money and all that.

I've never been clever with money. I will buy anything at the top of the market.

The only film I ever made for money was something called 'Music From Another Room', which I really didn't like.