I fear just one thing: Money! Greed was what motivated Judas to sell Jesus

God tries you in certain, certain ways. Some people are rich, and they believe in God. They lose the money, things get hard, they get weak and quit going to church. Quit serving God like they did.

Never put your money against Cassius Clay, for you will never have a lucky day.

I agree with Balzac and 19th-century writers, black and white, who say, 'I write for money.' Yes, I think everybody should be paid handsomely; I insist on it, and I pay people who work for me, or with me, handsomely.

“I went into the business for the money, and the art grew out of it. If people are disillusioned by that remark, I can’t help it. It’s the truth.”

And perhaps, those of us in the industry who are still foolishly clinging to the idea that female films, with women at the center are niche experience, they are not. Audiences want to see them and, in fact, they earn money. The world is round, people.

Audiences want to see them, and in fact, they earn money. The world is round, people.

Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons.

The French make two mistakes about me. They think I'm an intellectual because I wear these glasses and they think I'm an artist because my films lose money.

American films, it's a money-making industry. And in France, you can find great respect for cinema as art.

People think I'm an artist because my films lose money.

“There are people who have money and people who are rich.”

To be clever enough to get all that money, one must be stupid enough to want it.

Money may not buy happiness, but it can damn well give it!

And, we have no such thing as a budget anymore. Our manager freaks when we show him the bill. We're lavish to the bone, but all our money goes back into the product.

Be kind and honest, and harmful poisons will turn sweet inside you. If you want money more than anything, you’ll be bought and sold your whole life.

 As long as there is poverty in the world I can never be rich, even if I have a billion dollars.

We need to ask ourselves how to find happiness — it’s not in money and power.

The ultimate source of happiness is not money and power, but warmheartedness.

I think writing really helps you heal yourself. I think if you write long enough, you will be a healthy person. That is, if you write what you need to write, as opposed to what will make money, or what will make fame.

The trouble with our people is as soon as they got out of slavery they didn't want to give the white man nothing else. But the fact is, you got to give em something. Either your money, your land, your woman or your ass.

In order to deal with all the medical cost demands and other challenges in the U.S., as we look to raise that revenue, the rich will have to pay slightly more. That's quite clear.

Skype actually does get a fair bit of revenue.