We cannot tire or give up. We owe it to the present and future generations of all species to rise up and walk!

I want to do the right things - I want to plant trees, I want to make sure that the indigenous forests are protected because I know, whatever happens, these are the forests that contain biodiversity, these are the forests that help us retain water when it rains and keep our rivers flowing, these are the forests that many future generations will need.

Education, if it means anything, should not take people away from the land, but instill in them even more respect for it, because educated people are in a position to understand what is being lost. The future of the planet concerns all of us, and all of us should do what we can to protect it. As I told the foresters, and the women, you don't need a diploma to plant a tree.

People want to look at you and see your whole future laid out the way they know it, and I was saying that didn't happen. People aren't born with I'M GREAT! flashing on their foreheads.

After the final no there come a yes, and on that yes a future world depends.

After the final no there comes a yes / And on that yes the future world depends.

It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future.

The future ain't what it used to be.

Never look back, reminising on yesterday, smile for the future, tomorrow's a new day.

The present was an egg laid by the past that had the future inside its shell.

Let's forgive the past and who we were then. Let's embrace the present and who we're capable of becoming. Let's surrender the future and watch miracles unfold.

While we may open the books of the past, we may but grant flying glances of the future, through the mist that veils it.

Man is better without knowledge of things to come, for what is to be will be, and man can neither avert nor hasten. It is better to go in the dark when the road must pass a lion and there is no other road.

“If my future were black, it was better surely to face it like a man than to attempt to brighten it by mere will-o'-wisps of the imagination.”

“If my future were black, it was better surely to face it like a man than to attempt to brighten it by mere will-o’-the-wisps of the imagination.”

“The past and the present are within my field of inquiry, but what a man may do in the future is a hard question to answer.”

“It is thrifty to prepare today for wants of tomorrow.”

“The great source of both the misery and disorders of human life, seems to arise from over-rating the difference between one permanent situation and another. Avarice over-rates the difference between poverty and riches: ambition, that between a private and a public station: vain-glory, that between obscurity and extensive reputation. The person under the influence of any of those extravagant passions, is not only miserable in his actual situation, but is often disposed to disturb the peace of society, in order to arrive at that which he so foolishly admires. The slightest observation, however, might satisfy him, that, in all the ordinary situations of human life, a well-disposed mind may be equally calm, equally cheerful, and equally contented. Some of those situations may, no doubt, deserve to be preferred to others: but none of them can deserve to be pursued with that passionate ardour which drives us to violate the rules either of prudence or of justice; or to corrupt the future tranquillity of our minds, either by shame from the remembrance of our own folly, or by remorse from the horror of our own injustice.”

“I can feel guilty about the past, apprehensive about the future, but only in the present can I act. The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness.”

The past resembles the future more than one drop of water resembles another.

"I think we have a duty to maintain the light of consciousness to make sure it continues into the future."

"If you get up in the morning and think the future is going to be better, it is a bright day. Otherwise, it's not."

"I'm interested in things that change the world or that affect the future and wondrous, new technology where you see it, and you're like, 'Wow, how did that even happen? How is that possible?'"

There are two days in the year that we can not do anything, yesterday and tomorrow