"Did I ever doubt that Beckham should carry on as England captain in the future? No way. I have never doubted that. Of course, I appreciate his apology. I haven't read it exactly, as I was with the team. But that's very good."

"We offer a vision for a brighter American future, based on goals such as affordable health care for everyone, quality education, and environmental protection. We stand for a society that respects and celebrates diversity."

"This is a key development for our team. It further secures our future with one of our top players, in the prime of his career, and I want to commend Chad for his efforts in making it happen. He is showing his commitment to what we have going here."

"The future is keeping you out of the present time."

"They have a lot of time to think and plan for the future, and they should be encouraged to,"

"Fighting for Our Future."

"The rich can afford to be progressive. Poor people have reason to be afraid of the future."

"My vision for the future of the BBC has three parts: a bold new program and content strategy based above all around the idea of excellence; a transformation of the BBC into a state-of-the art digital broadcaster; and an irreversible shift in the culture of the BBC toward simplicity, opportunity and creativity,"

"The future is like heaven, everyone exalts it, but no one wants to go there now."

"The future is like heaven - everyone exalts it, but no one wants to go there now."

"I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority."

"Tomorrow is in the wings waiting for you to sound her entrance fanfare."

"Past, present and future are not amenities of language. Time unfolds into the seamsof being. It passes through you, making and shaping."

"The future is always a wholeness, a sameness. We're all tall and happy there,' she said. 'This is why the future fails. It always fails. It can never be the cruel happy place we want to make it."

"The future belongs to crowds."

"Make a conscious effort to live in the present today. When you catch yourself obsessing over the past or worrying about the future just remember you are exactly where you need to be right now."

"When you make a choice, you change the future."

"Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future."

"I don't know what the future holds, but I have to be confident about it. It's just the way I am."

"We can't continue to take from our planet the way we do and not give anything back, and the idea of, 'Oh, but it's fine, I won't have to deal with it in my lifetime,' well, you need to think about the future generations who will have to deal with it."

"I combat those only who, knowing nothing of the future, prophesy an eternity of pain- those who sow the seeds of fear in the hearts of men- those only who poison all the springs of life, and seat a skeleton at every feast"

"So different are the colors of life, as we look forward to the future, or backward to the past; and so different the opinions and sentiments which this contrariety of appearance naturally produces, that the conversation of the old and young ends generally with contempt or pity on either side."

"Light will be thrown on the origin of man and his history."

"Whatever withdraws us from the power of our senses; whatever makes the past, the distant, or the future predominate over the present, advances us in the dignity of thinking beings"