I like to be able to play a character and act out a lot of things which I can't or don't do in my normal everyday life.

I couldn't deal with playing a character who rides motorcycles and has a leather jacket and is a tough kid, y'know?

Character isn't who you are when life goes your way. Character is who you really are when the bottom falls out.

Some of us are more concerned with our reputation than our character. The latter takes care of the former.

At first, I didn't realize it was gonna be a character. I just thought I was gonna be doing me.

"Another flaw in the human character is that everybody wants to build and nobody wants to do maintenance."

“Don't be impressed by: money, power, looks, title, network. Be impressed by: character, kindness, generosity, humility, passion.”

I would really like to do a really cool one-hour show, maybe on, like, HBO or something like that; or something that I've spent a couple of years developing so it would be exactly the character and exactly in with a huge push behind it; or I would maybe want to do a sitcom; something light and funny.

But really, for the most part - doing a prequel is great because you do have room to kind of free this character and how they got to where they are instead of being a slave to exactly what the previous actor did.

It's all about being comfortable, being easy and having you be able to wear something and not having it wear you. It's classic. Every time I've tried to be bold and crazy, I feel like a Japanese animated cartoon character.

Characters who are on screen from start to finish are not necessarily the ones who have the greatest impact.

There are times when I am so unlike myself that I might be taken for someone else of an entirely opposite character.

To be the leading man it's about the celebrity and the looks, and it's tough to do that. People who do it great are people like Tom Cruise and Will Smith - they're built for that. I ain't. I'm more of a character guy.

I think there's grays in characters if you look at all the great characters, those characters that have those layers of being good and being bad and what's the struggle. It's always more interesting to watch.

"If we could honestly promise young couples that we knew how to give them offspring with superior character, why should we assume they would decline? Common sense tells us that if scientists find ways to greatly improve human capabilities, there will no stopping the public from happily seizing them."

"A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts."

"There were very strict social conventions, and you adhered to it, and I think it gave you a lot of character. When a man said something, he meant it. He wasn't kidding around. There were no jokes involved. Nobody was in the mood to joke unless you hit a guy with a baseball bat."

"People have obsessions and fears and passions which they don't admit to. I think every character is interesting and has extremes. It's the novelist privilege to see how odd everyone is."

"The shell is America's most active contribution to the formation of character. A tough hide. Grow it early."

"Some of the stuff he would tell us was really out of character."

"What I loved about playing the corpse is that obviously somebody else got to do the physical part. It appeals to the part of me "that "likes playing character parts and getting the chance to get away from my own physicality."

"I'm quite curious and excited about seeing a new script for 'Blade Runner.' If, in fact, the opportunity would exist to do another, if it's a good script, I "would "be very anxious to work with Ridley Scott again; he's a very talented and passionate filmmaker. And I think it would be very interesting to revisit the character."

"Character is the most precious gift of education."

"Character is to be sought more than intellect."