"I quote fictional characters, because I'm a fictional character myself!"

"Our citizenship in the United States is our national character. Our citizenship in any particular state is only our local distinction. By the latter we are known at home, by the former to the world. Our great title is AMERICANS -- our inferior one varies with the place."

"What I like to write about is stuff I know. I don't think I could write a novel. I don't think I have it in me to come up with those kinds of characters."

"Relentless, repetitive self talk is what changes our self-image."

"The sky calls to us. If we do not destroy ourselves, we will one day venture to the stars."

"One characteristic of winners is they always look upon themselves as a do it yourself project."

"You must be worthy of the best, but not more worthy than the rest."

"Temperament lies behind mood; behind will, lies the fate of character. Then behind both, the influence of family the tyranny of culture; and finally the power of climate and environment; and we are free, only to the extent we rise above these."

"Kids called me 'Skeletor' as a kid because I was so skinny."

"I haven't been worried about my image so much as I have been trying to find projects to push myself further than before."

"Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving."

"I never felt I had to prove myself with anything."

"Mars is much closer to the characteristics of Earth. It has a fall, winter, summer and spring. North Pole, South Pole, mountains and lots of ice. No one is going to live on Venus; no one is going to live on Jupiter."

"Writing 'when you find me,' it really exposed me to a way of putting together a story I hadn't thought of."

"Sound character provides the power with which a person may ride the emergencies of life instead of being overwhelmed by them. Failure is... the highway to success."

"If I was to pick a cartoon character I am most like, I would say Daisy Duck because she is very stubborn, she has a very feminine sense, and she knows what she likes."

"I have a gruff character."

"If a man character is to be abused there's nobody like a relative to do the business."

"It's not really true to (the Bears) character and nature in the past to do that (during an exhibition game), ... But I thought our staff did an outstanding job with adapting in the game. That's probably why we had more success in the second and third quarters than we did in the beginning of the game."

"Nothing shows a man's character more than what he laughs at.''"

"Talent develops in quiet, Character in the torrent of the world"

"Character develops itself in the stream of life."

"The history of mankind is his character."

"Strong characters are brought out by change of situation, and gentle ones by permanence."