Guys say 'like' all the time, and no one notices it.

I love sending flowers! It's the best.

Flashback episodes are a tried-and-true sitcom device, but they always work!

Technology has been the great equalizer: you can find your audience, you can build your brand, and the people that are into you, great. They're going to follow you to whatever platform you go to.

I like hot people being hot. How else do you explain my high school infatuation with Ricky Martin in all his shirtless glory?

I just wanna go on the record to say I talk about U2 so much, I should be their publicist. I should be added to the PR team. U2 is my favorite band of all time. I love them so much.

Arcade Fire always churns out music that makes me want to move.

For me personally, I was just worried that transitioning from a podcast, which is a very intimate sort of experience - people tell me they listen to my podcast while they're at the gym or on road trips, so you're in someone's ear - to being on television - that's a lot of space to fill.

What's important is to have more women creators behind the scenes, being producers and being in charge. That will ultimately help push this boys'-club, locker-room mentality out the door.

Even the best comedians aren't always sure what is going to be funny, what is going to work. So that means they're constantly and trying and failing in order to get there.

With '2 Dope Queens,' with stand-up, and also with 'Sooo Many White Guys,' the interview stuff that I do, I really am a fan first.

Sometimes it's good to act responsibly.

I know the world is pretty intense, but in my opinion, there's nothing more perilous than being a teenager and watching a raunchy comedy with your parents.

There's so many careers that didn't happen because women are like, 'I can't deal with this harassment. I'm going to leave this industry.'

You got a snaggletooth? Show it off. You have an overbite? Bite some more.

I love how most people in 'Sixteen Candles' don't actually look their age. It adds to the movie's funky and low-budget vibe.

I'll be the first to admit it: I love fluff. Whether it's watching 'America's Next Top Model' or listening to dance pop like Rihanna's 'Where Have You Been,' I like to keep it light and fun, especially during the spring and summer months.

I really like a red lip as my go-to when I go out.

Just because you're not like other people doesn't mean that you're bad. It means that you're different, and that's great.

One of the things I love about 'Idol' besides the drama, the backstories, and the crazy arrangements on popular songs is the auditions, when everyone is full of hope and nerves.

'SNL' has always been known for its ability to skewer politics, and the circus that was Palin's bid to be Vice President was ripe for parody.

Let's be real: more often than not, Hollywood does not have three-dimensional characters for women to play.

It's better to keep your past and present loves separate.

Just like anyone else, I watch a lot of reality TV yet will turn my nose up at some of it, e.g., ABC's 'Splash,' because I think I'm above it.