Sometimes when people start dating a hot piece, they take on some of their boo's characteristics unintentionally.

Not going to lie: when I heard that Toni Braxton's sister, Tamar, wanted to have a music career, I was skeptical. I know she sang backup for Toni and is a great reality-TV star, but being a musician is a whole 'nother league. Well, Tamar proved me wrong.

Who can forget the awesome scene in 'Independence Day' when the White House gets blown up by aliens? Sure, it looks cheesy now, but back in 1994, it was incredible.

The reason I was drawn to the Band Perry was because they have a knack for doing rollicking country music that can sound a little rock and a little pop.

From the leg lamp to Ralphie's tongue getting stuck on a frozen pole to that BB-gun incident, 'A Christmas Story' has left its mark on all our brains, so much so that it sometimes feels like this story is our own.

Feminism is being broken open, to welcome more people than just white women of a certain class.

I don't think people realize what it's like for people of color to audition for film and TV.

I am a grizzly New Yorker.

'Ain't It Fun,' which is about entering the real world, is bouncy and shows off Paramore's lighter side, to the dismay of some of the band's fans, who are used to the punk-rock sound.

The Roots know how to give their audience some medicine without them even realizing it.

Normally, I'd believe that the saying 'There's no small parts, only small actors' is a load of crock because, more often than not, actors relegated to the small-part category stay in 'Who was that guy from that thing' purgatory - however, '90s sitcom 'Friends' proved that the saying is true.

One of the great things about 'The Voice' is that all the judges sing their own hits, as well as covers, and do duets with each other.

Say what you want about Maroon 5 not making music like the kind found on 'Songs About Jane,' the fact remains that they know how to write a really good pop song that highlights lead singer Adam Levine's falsetto.

The 'X-Men' franchise has not been a perfect one.

I'm easily frightened and am somewhat of a squeamish person.

Spending $40,000 on shoes is downright ignorant.

I am a workaholic - my family will agree with that.

The great thing about being a standard-issue, straight white person is you have so much time. Gay people, people of color, we have less time! We have to be a living Learning Annex to everybody. We don't have time to master hobbies like skipping rocks along lakes.

I love how Shakespeare can really rip your heart out one second and then make you laugh the next. He's a master writer.

If I have a daughter and she grows up to be an astronaut, she's gonna end up on a Black History Month stamp.

I'm a sucker for two things: Adam Lambert and songs that start out as emo as a sad episode of 'Felicity' and then drop. That. Beat.

As scary as it is, we have to admit that there are folks in the world who only know the Roots as 'the band on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.''

I was a funny kid growing up, and I did improv in college and went to Pratt Institute, but I did it very informally. It was just me and some of my friends goofing around on campus.

It's just a wild experience to have thousands of people stand up and cheer for you.