I was reading stories by Raymond Carver and some of his stuff sort of ended abruptly here and there, where in other short stories that I've read have a bit of an ending, a climax, a twist or something like that.

In my own mind, I can joke about anything.

I was asked before to go out on '8 out of 10 Cats,' and I've been asked to go on 'Question Time,' I said to no to that. I don't see myself coming across well on that sort of thing.

People say 'Limmy's Show' is kind of hit or miss, but I'd rather that than having something generally likable.

I think everybody in the world should agree to no care about anything. But we'll all have to do it at the same time.

I'm just someone who likes making lots of things up and trying to be funny. That's about it.

Doctors are just people and they can make mistakes.

I'd never dance at school discos, I couldn't believe people could show themselves like that.

I always wanted to get on the telly. Then see when I did, and there was talk about doing more online, Comedy Labs or iPlayer, I was: 'Naw, naw, naw, I want to be On The Telly that sits in the living room and folk watch it together.

It's almost like schizophrenia the way I get ideas about things that are not really happening and just end up focusing on them.

I really like violence in writing and films.

I sometimes wonder if I'm a psychopath.

I've just got a really sick sense of humour that's separate from reality.

Going to the doctors - for me that was quite brave, taking that first step. That was a bit scary, saying that I wanted to go on anti-depressants.

I've always been a very open person, all my life, even at school.

I've never been an embarrassed, 'never talk about their feelings' sort of person.

I'm always checking other people's opinions.

I don't need a lot: I've got a telly, a computer - what else can you get me?

I don't feel comfortable calling myself a writer or a director or an actor.

I think I called myself an entertainer on my son's birth certificate. That sounds a bit Sammy Davis Jr. or Brian Conley, the sort of guy you just drop into a room and let them 'entertain.'

If I call myself an actor, it sounds like I'm trying to pass myself off as someone who went to drama school.

It's fine if folk don't like my sense of humour. But if somebody misunderstands, then that hurts a bit.

I don't mind people liking or not liking me. If you make something and then in the back of your mind you think it could have been a bit better, that can hurt a bit.

I've never cooked a great meal.