People say what they think online because it's not to your face. That's a good thing. You don't really want people just being nice to you with their opinions.

Being in somebody else's thing and saying their words and not having any right to change it - I don't know how I'd deal with that. I'd like to think I could do it, but I just know I've got a dead particular taste.

I was reading some Raymond Carver. I really liked how he did that 'slice of life' thing. Because I'm not much of a reader I end up finding out about these things a long time after other people.

People are so quick to get offended.

My son likes Doctor Seuss books, but they're right tongue twisters. You get to certain bits and you stumble your words and it makes you feel like an idiot.

When streaming came out years ago I loved it. I loved having an audience, I loved chatting away and looking at a live chat and now on Twitch you can actually get a career at it.

I'm alright with being disliked rather than trying to be perfect, because you get to relax then.

Sometimes there were certain things in 'Limmy's Show' where I'd be having to come up with six episodes and as a result there was stuff in there that wasn't my favourite and I'd think, 'ach I'll shove that in this episode.'

The only thing I worry about over-sharing is boring people.

I'm genuine! I've not got some dark, shadowy corporation behind me pulling the strings.

I love saying terrible things. Things that I think are terrible and I've gotten in to trouble in the past - just hearing it come out of my mouth or seeing it typed and seeing it out there - something terrible that in real life isn't funny.

I'm not a mad genius or anything, but I'm just constantly driven to make things up, but I wonder who I'm doing all this for?

I'm quite a hermit.

You can get too involved with all the wee things in life, but the most important thing is you're alive and well.

There have been occasions when some people have taken me very seriously.

There's nothing quite like sitting watching the telly on a Saturday night. It has such a nice, homely feel.

I mean, maybe I'm alternative in that my stuff's not mainstream, doesn't want to be mainstream, could never be mainstream.

No, I don't think I'll ever get any stalkers, as I'm the stalker type myself.

I think most people like a bit of freedom and hearing things that they might not agree with, rather than just having everybody shutting their mouths.

Actually, I just want to entertain people. Put that in my obituary, a final picture, all dark in the background.

Me, you could stick me in solitary confinement for 100 years and I'd be fine.

The word 'cult' is almost a nice way of saying a lot of people hate you, or have never heard of you. It means someone can come up to me in the street who's really into my stuff, who's seen everything I've done, but the guy standing beside them has no idea who I am. Even in Glasgow. I think that's cult.

There are so many different ways of making people laugh and sometimes you sit down to watch something that everyone says is hilarious and within a couple of minutes you realise its comedy that isn't for you.

I love 'The Twilight Zone,' the original black and white ones with Rod Serling's wee bit at the beginning.