You hear people talking about a Scottish sense of humour, or a Glaswegian sense of humour, all sorts of countries and cities think that they've got this thing that they're funny. I read about the Liverpudlian sense of humour and I was like, 'Aye? What's that then?' You get that and you especially hear about a dark Glaswegian sense of humour.

I think no matter where you're from, you're going to be laughing about stuff going on around you.

I like wee arguments, I've never been into jokes. I'm more into strange things and madness and things escalating and things not really making sense.

I felt I was a bit switched off for years, not really caring about things. I don't know if that's depression or whatever, but I was thinking 'I might. Aye I will. No, I willnae' as far as getting a second series goes.

I actually don't have a lot of faith in comedy.

If the Internet went down or there was no telly I would be 'oh no, oh no.'

I don't drink anymore, I don't go up the town and I'm not interested in events and parties.

I don't really read a lot. I got a few Booker Prize books and some others and thought I'd try this but quite quickly I just stick them down. I do like some Stephen King books but with some of them I just put them down as well. But I'm like that with telly stuff as well and films or music.

I tell people on Facebook what my Playstation user name is. It's quite a social thing. I put the headset on and I'm just yappin' away. It's kind of like a sad way of socialising. It's like meeting up with people but when you get bored with them you can just switch them off and walk away.

I think I was maybe a ned. I don't know. I had a trakkie, a cap and got into trouble when I was younger and I don't remember other neds round about me, so I suppose I must have been one. But a thinking ned, an intelligent ned.

It's in me to get steaming and to think too much, worry too much about the future, the past.

I think I was an alcoholic. There are all these grey areas about what makes you an alcoholic - you can't cope without it, you stop caring about jobs and relationships, or you just binge.

With the Internet I just love how anything goes, especially in the light of this whole Sachsgate.

I never made my website to try and get anywhere, it was just a laugh.

I do like crossing moral boundaries.

Aye aye, I'm not one of these people that hate Christmas. Some people think it's all fake, but I like that kind of thing. It's like Las Vegas. I know this isnae really the Eiffel Tower and that isnae really the Statue of Liberty, but it's just a bit of fun.

Going to a pub when you're not drinking is pretty boring.

I don't really get angry any more.

Daft Wee Stories' is, as the title says, daft wee stories. I just sort of rattled them out, tried to make them quite funny, with punchlines - they're kind of like sketches.

I think on my passport form I described myself as 'entertainer,' filling it in, in a Post Office or something. I felt like I should be doing jazz hands when I wrote that, but I don't do anything else really.

People who give off about fat-shaming and body-shaming are often the same people who talk about Trump's hair or how fat he is, or how old he is. The size of his hands and his fingers - that's the big one: let's all have a big laugh at his hands.

If you run about trying to make people like you all the time you'd never get anything done.

I write in quite a simple way because that's just the way I write. The vocab I use is quite wee. That's just the way I talk.

The day I say I'm famous is the day I sound like a fanny.