If you look at somebody like Sam Bee, she got to create her own thing without any expectations that there was a show there. That was probably liberating for them.

I was taught from a very early age that I had to work twice as hard to get half as much. That was the world I grew up in - a very strong work ethic.

I thought Sarah Palin was the ultimate expression of comic outrageousness in a person.

My father had a lot of allergies, and he just didn't like the cold of Chicago, and his father - his parents had broken up when he was young, and his father had lived in Pasadena for a while, and he kind of fell in love with Southern California.

I guess I hadn't counted on 'The Unblackening' happening to my time slot as well.

I think the biggest thing is voice. Whose voice is it? Who gets to control the narrative?

Police have to have one of the most difficult jobs in society today. But at the same time, I think, a person in that position - their responsibility has to be high as well.

Sometimes I'm successful, and sometimes I'm not, but I don't mind going down trying.

I'll stop talking about race when people stop being racist.

I am from Pomona, California. I was born in Los Angeles.

Every television show is sentenced to death - time and date of execution unknown.

As a culture, we've all agreed with the opinion that the world should be seen in a certain way, so at 'The Nightly Show,' our chief mission was to disagree with that premise. And to see the world in a way that may not make everybody comfortable. And to present it with a cast of people who don't always get to have a voice on that.

No matter what his crimes were, Alton Sterling did not deserve to be executed for them. Look, guys, the punishment for resisting arrest shouldn't be death. The punishment for selling bootleg CDs shouldn't be death. The punishment for having a gun in an open-carry state shouldn't be death. The punishment for being a black man shouldn't be death.

I have a free voice. I have a free mind. I have freedom of expression.

When you have somebody like a Donald Trump - he made no bones about trying to disprove Barack Obama's Americanism in trying to make him out to be some foreigner that was born in Kenya. I thought that to be very racist.

I think the term 'fair reporting' is overused when it comes to journalism. I think saying they want to report evenly is more accurate.

A lot of my family on both sides have worked in education and nursing, and my grandmother was a nurse; my sister is a nurse, and her - my other sister's daughter is going into nursing. There's a lot of that in the family.

When you're taking chances, you know it's not going to please everybody.

I don't take pleasure in anyone's demise, really.

MSNBC got rid of so many black people, I thought Boko Haram was running that network.

I'm not really a self-promoter-type person.

We had a segment called Tampon Tuesdays that I was very proud of; that was hilarious because there are a lot of women's issues out there that a lot of people don't know about because they're not women, and they don't have to go through them.

Remember, MTV would only show white videos for a long time. Can you imagine that? That was the '80s when that happened. It's hard to even think of that now, you know?

I've pitched many things that have not gone, but every year, I'm in that pilot game like a lot of other writers in Hollywood.