I'm not a nasty person.

I've always been attracted to comedy that was really close to the line and made people a little uncomfortable, because that's where progress comes from.

I don't know that I'd be a comedian if I stayed in Canada.

I wanted to be liked when I was younger, which I think a lot of us do; I'm not ashamed to say it. I was a product of my environment, a product of my culture.

Growing up, I loved comedy even before I knew that you could be a stand-up comedian.

My mother was a businesswoman; my grandmother was a businesswoman - it never occurred to me that life might be harder because you're a woman. It wasn't until later and I had a bigger sense of the world that I realised that.

I'm not a Rachel Dolezal. I don't fake tan; I don't have the cornrows, I don't misappropriate. I just want to be Beyonce.

I'm proud to be Canadian. But I identify as being a British mum.

I'm a flirt by nature, and I like flirting with that line of what's passable and what's not, and I genuinely don't believe that I cross it.

The beautiful thing about comedy in the U.K. is that it has a clever twist to it, and when you really break it down, the joke isn't filthy at all: it's clever.

I'm very careful not to tell a joke just to get a reaction.

I'd never say something that I didn't feel I could defend.

I was seen as a little weirdo. But I was certain I wasn't a weirdo. I knew who the weirdos were, and it wasn't me!

I'm a single mother. It's silly to turn down work.

In Canada, we just have rich and poor, but we don't constantly remind poor people about it.

I always tried to fit in, so I was a cheerleader with the orange skin and white-blonde hair, and Hooters was part of that.

People who like my stuff and know what my agenda is have never mistaken me for being racist or poking fun at the wrong thing.

I was lucky to develop in the U.K. because I find comedy - in addition to being caustic - it's quite literary over here, and alternative comedy isn't so alternative.

I wasn't properly performing in Canada. I was just starting out, and when everyone starts out, they're terrible. I'm sure there are some Kellyanne Conway videos of me just really dying on a stage.

I started doing little amateur nights at the comedy club that was right next to the restaurant that I waitressed in when I was in university. I was probably 22 years old. I didn't do it with any intention of making a career out of it; I had just always valued comedy.

I really loved making my mom laugh, and I knew that she thought that I was funny. It was really valuable, in my home growing up, to be able to have a chat and participate in a conversation and be funny. Whatever I could do to make my mom laugh could either get me out of trouble or just get me more attention or get me respect in the house.

In Canada, good waitresses are tipped well. I learnt that the harder you work, the more money you make.

Justin Bieber is a lovely chap.

When I talk about celebrities, I don't dislike them - it's what they represent.