If I'm in the position where I get to hire someone, where I get to decide who joins me on tour, then I am mindful about that, and I try to suggest women that I know who I think deserve more exposure.

Part of me has always wanted to be like Marilyn Monroe or any Fifties Hollywood starlet. On screen, they seemed so sexy and simple and looked after. In real life, I'm none of those things. But I'd rather be fierce and complicated.

I got into comedy at exactly the right moment.

If I ever move back to Canada, it'll be because I'm terminally ill.

If I've got a confidence problem, it's that my self-esteem is entirely too high.

Question everything.

I have little time for sincerity.

Anything that I'm passionate about and surprises me usually ends up turning into a joke simply because I have questions about it and I'm curious and I want to talk about it.

My life is so much better with lupus because I know that stress and too much junk food will literally put me in hospital.

I love Little Mix, and I always have.

I love Lena Dunham. I love, love, love her.

Isolated incidents have lateral, lasting implications.

I'm not interested in younger men for the same reason most women aren't interested in younger men; I don't have time to make an extra packed lunch every morning. Please. I'm busy enough already.

Racism is what acquitted O. J. Simpson.

When you stand out in a small town or at work,or in your peer group, whatever it is, it feels really awful. Certainly, when you're growing up, you want to be normal. You just want to fit in. Then you realize that maybe fitting in is, in some respects, quite ordinary. I think it's good to put a positive spin on being slightly unique.

I think it's better, if people aren't getting on, that they should divorce.

I'm actually thrilled with the woman I'm turning out to be.

I feel like I'm always on the right side of wrong and trying to shout out for the underdog.

I talk funny 'cause I come from Canada.

I love Britain. I'm an Irish citizen, but I was born in Canada, and I'm a British comedian, really. My entire career has been over here.

Regressing back to an infant state is nothing to be proud of. Rich Americans don't drive themselves, don't cook, don't do their own nails/hair/make-up, don't shop, and I suppose all they've got in common with rich British people is that they don't raise their own kids, either.

I was certainly not a class clown; I confused and angered a lot of people with my sense of humor.

Why would you watch an Oscar-nominated film unless you're mad enough to purposely experience feelings? Bleh. I'm not interested in catching those.

Many of us are quite stupid.