You think Trump cares if you leave? He wants power, not prosperity.

It's not my place to tell anyone what kind of feminist she should be.

Christmas coming means one thing for comedians: office party gigs!

I don't worry about whether or not people like me.

I'm from that generation where there aren't that many pictures of me as a baby.

I have a really different touring life to most comedians because I go home every night to do the school run in the morning. So I'm not in hotels or living it up.

I'm nearly see-through. Like a jellyfish.

When you're really famous, there's very little authenticity in people, so you prefer the company of children.

I was born with the confidence of an 89-year-old man. So it's strange when people ask, 'What's it like being a female comedian?' It never occurred to me that I'd be limited as a woman - that I couldn't be a scientist, a doctor, or anything I wanted.

Stand-up comedy is not a man's job. It's an alpha job: To be the only person in a room with a microphone who's allowed to talk.

I highly recommend reading the book 'Confessions Of A Video Vixen.'

I was really lucky to have been raised in this really powerful matriarchy where my dad was around, but I was with my mom and my grandma most of the time. They were heavy influences on me. My mother has a career in technology; my grandma sold real estate.

Growing up in Canada, I dated a few ice hockey players.

You'll never make a success of yourself when you're doing an impersonation of somebody else.

I've decided that I'm completely rock n' roll.

When I think about women of color and their place politically in the world and culture... they've had two layers of just garbage to overcome. To me, a black woman is a woman-woman.

I was a product of the society that said women are for decoration, and I do think girls should be able to do whatever they want.

I guess I talk about her because I'm interested; I'm listening. Taylor Swift's words are so valuable to so many young people, not just her #GirlSquad.

My dad's Irish, so I was visiting Ireland a lot as a kid, so it's not totally foreign to me.

Jeremy Corbyn confuses the public because he looks like a librarian and enjoys baking bread.

I know a lot about systemic lupus erythematosus because I have it, too. I was diagnosed through the NHS when I first moved to England in 2008 following months of serious illness.

Our attention spans have been reduced by the immediate gratification provided by smartphones and social media.

When you're little, every experience writes on the canvas of who you are.

I have huge admiration for Taylor Swift. She's tall, talented, young, thin, and beautiful. More importantly, she seems focused, generous, vulnerable, and kind.