Seek opportunity, not security. A boat in the harbor is safe, but in time its bottom will rot out.

Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them.

Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity.

See any detour as an opportunity to experience new things.

Learn to listen. Opportunity sometimes knocks very softly.

Watch for big problems. They disguise big opportunities.

I think that we have opportunities all around us - sometimes we just don't recognize them.

I thank Marc Jacobs so much for giving me the opportunity to design a shoe for Louis Vuitton, but the thing that broke my heart most was when they said, 'You're finished. The shoe's finished.'

But for me to have the opportunity to stand in front of a bunch of executives and present myself, I had to hustle in my own way. I can't tell you how frustrating it was that they didn't get that. No joke - I'd leave meetings crying all the time.

If you have the opportunity to play this game of life you need to appreciate every moment. a lot of people don't appreciate the moment until it's passed.

Great moments are born great oppurtunity

Clearly, America has no shortage of metaphorical opportunities for the poor.

The opportunity ahead for Microsoft is vast, but to seize it, we must focus clearly, move faster, and continue to transform.

Having the opportunity to express myself through music has been extremely cathartic for me my entire life.

I still like getting dressed up and having the opportunity to borrow beautiful dresses, but as a mother - and as somebody who's schedule isn't always my own - I don't shop a lot, or think about clothes a lot.

I love the opportunity to wear something really special and go to a wonderful event at some great cultural institution.

The opportunities I've had to play really complex characters - which haven't been a lot, but some - you never get over them.

The opportunities I've had to play really complex characters - which haven't been a lot, but some - you never get over them.

I just don't think you pass on a great quarterback if you have the opportunity. If need be, you can trade it away.

I didn't have the opportunity to go to college. I was busy touring since the age of 17.

In this marvelous dispensation of the fulness of times, our opportunities to give of ourselves are indeed limitless, but they are also perishable.

Our most significant opportunities will be found in times of greatest difficulty.

Teamwork," Koteks snarled, "is one word for it, yeah. What it really is is a way to avoid responsibility. It's a symptom of the gutlessness of the whole society.

While there's currently great turmoil, there is even greater opportunity for US to work together to transform our community. Far too many of our children are fatherless, far too many of our mothers are standing in the prison waiting rooms and far too many of our young people feel hopeless.