"Having the opportunity to get a feel for the stadium and the environment here is very valuable."

"This is an opportunity for some fresh faces, and we're going to see what they are about at the international level. This game is important because it can eliminate some players from consideration, and it can improve the situation of others."

"With only one international fixture date next year, this is an excellent opportunity to get our group together as we continue to shape our team for the World Cup."

"I think now our seniors have that same opportunity to share (their 2004 NCAA Tournament) experience with these freshmen."

"I think it's a great opportunity to be able to talk to him, but more important than that, I think it tells me that he's listening and that's really important to me."

"Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we are gives us all the best opportunity for growing into the healthiest of people."

"Today will give us a good opportunity to continue evaluating where we are and how we need to get better."

"We have an incredible opportunity...to revolutionize the Internet user experience. We need to deliver our next generation services platform in order to do that. And we need Bill Gates 100 percent focused on helping architect that."

"I try to focus on the present, what I'm doing now. I feel like the best design I can have is an awareness of where I've come from so that I don't repeat myself. Luckily, my work provides me with a tremendous source of new opportunities."

"Some of my lowest points were the most exciting opportunities to push through to be a better person."

"I like to connect to people in the virtual world, exchanging thoughts and ideas, when in the physical world we might never have the opportunity to cross paths."

"Instead of asking "what’s the problem?" ask "what's the creative opportunity?"

"Good luck is opportunity meeting preparedness."

"The more you seek security, the less of it you have. But the more you seek opportunity, the more likely it is that you will achieve the security that you desire."

"That kind of life is most happy which affords us most opportunities of gaining our own esteem."

"Organizing is an educational process. The best educational process in the union is the picket line and the boycott. You learn about life."

"Opportunities are often things you haven't noticed the first time around."

"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently."

"Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently."

"Nancy Lopez has always been a role model of mine... so to have the opportunity to play for her and spend time with her has been amazing."

"Without a doubt, any opportunity I have to build that up in New York, I'd do it. I told people all the time, always say, 'If it takes me taking a pay cut, I'll be the first one on James Dolan's steps saying take my money and let's build something strong over here.'"

"The lure of the distant and the difficult is deceptive. The great opportunity is where you are."

"Your regrets aren't what you did, but what you didn't do. So I take every opportunity."

"Maybe it was the challenge of flight, the opportunity to fly, the competition of summer camp and the inspiration and discipline of West Point. I think all of those things helped me to develop a dedication and inspired me to get ahead."