I would become a priest or a rabbi or a monk or whatever the hell was necessary to perform miracles such as taking money from someone else's pocket and putting it into mine, still remaining within the confines of the law.

Marijuana will be legal some day, because the many law students who now smoke pot will someday become congressmen and legalize it in order to protect themselves.

It is pity in which the state of nature takes the place of laws, morals and virtues, with the added advantage that no one there is tempted to disobey its gentle voice.

Laws are always useful to those who possess and vexatious to those who have nothing.

"When your conscience says law is immoral, don't follow it."

"Lack of rule of law is the main reason Pakistan could not join the ranks of progressive nations."

"The more laws are enacted and taxes assessed, the greater the number of lawbreakers and tax evaders"

"The more laws and order are made prominent, the more thieves and robbers there will be."

"You should never go against the law of the land. We must follow the letter of the law."

"Recognize the existence of the Moral Law as governing results. Then unswervingly follow this Law."

"In everyday things the law of sacrifice takes the form of positive duty."

"Our human laws are more or less imperfect copies of the external laws as we see them."

"The legislature's job is to write law. It's the executive branch's job to interpret law."

"And the cornerstone of my economic policies, when I first got elected, was cutting taxes on everybody on who paid taxes."

"In common with all Protestant or Jewish cultures, America was developed on the idea that your word is your bond. Otherwise, the frontier could never have been opened, 'cause it was lawless. A man's word had to mean something."

"This is a victory for the little guys ... No one is above the law."

"In placing my trade I had no improper information. My transaction was entirely lawful."

"You can't legislate good taste."

"As the lawyer, I found most of it was a matter of research, which I was great at - that's what I did to death - and then basically persuading people that you're right, and they're wrong... I found that the easiest of all the professions to impersonate."

"I was always accepted at par value. I wore the uniform of a Pan Am pilot; therefore, I must be a Pan Am pilot."

"In all the years I've taught at the FBI Academy, I've only seen crime get easier, faster, and harder to detect."

"My proudest moment was probably when my oldest boy finished law school and went on to become an FBI agent. It was just beyond my imagination that - with my background - my own son would become an FBI agent."

"The law sometimes sleeps; it never dies."

"If I had been brilliant or a genius, I wouldn't have needed to break the law just to survive."