You have to discover when you're inadequate to be funny and you don't know you're inadequate when you're a kid.

You know, I'm really not that bright.

It's not every day that you get to be affectionate around something, it just doesn't happen that often.

I think we're all good and bad, but good's not funny. Bad is funny. Suppress the good and let the bad out, and then you can be funny.

You know who wears sunglasses inside? Blind people and assholes.

You see, books had been happening to me.

Impasse I could tell you If I wanted to, What makes me What I am. But I don't Really want to – And you don't Give a damn.

Go home and write / a page tonight. / And let that page come out of you - / Then, it will be true.

I am the excuse to explore your identity. To be exactly who you are and to feel unafraid. To not judge yourself, to not hate yourself.

If you dont have any shadows you're not in the light

You have to be unique, and different, and shine in your own way.

“They may ignore your achievements. They may ridicule your vision. They may speak poorly about you. They will win, if you lose confidence.”

“You are not a team because you work together. You are a team because you trust, respect and care for each other.”

“You aren’t supposed to be stuck. You are supposed to be doing something amazing with your life.” 

“If you can get up on time, start your day powerfully, plan ahead, think about your goals, and focus on yourself, all before you get bogged down in your daily routine, then you will simply accomplish more. This is the first step to taking control of your life.” 

“Using the Rule strengthens your belief that you do have the ability to control your own fate—because you are proving it to yourself one push at a time.” 

You must learn how to separate what you feel from the actions that you take.

You can't control how you feel. But you can always choose how you act.” 

“It’s called “locus of control.” The more that you believe that you are in control of your life, your actions and your future, the happier and more successful you’ll be.” 

“The first and most important step is to stop saying you are fine. You are not fine. You need to quit pretending that you are, and state for the record what’s bothering you. There is a lot more in store for you than what you’ve got going on right now, and the first step to getting it is to stop pretending that everything is okay.” 

“You may be afraid of finding out that you suck, like my daughter was. Let me tell you what really sucks: being older and regretting that you never went for it. Being 30 and realizing you let fear of what your friends thought keep you from ever really putting yourself out there when you were younger. Friends, by the way, who you never talk to anymore. Being 56 and realizing you should have divorced your spouse ten years ago. Being 45 and wishing you had had the courage to take on a project at work that you now realize would have changed the trajectory of your career. Or sitting in college classes earning a degree to please your parents when knowing in your heart that you want to be doing something else with your life. There is no right time. There is only right now. You get one life. This is it. And it’s not going to begin again. It’s up to you to push yourself to make the most of it and the time to do it is right now.” 

“Waiting until you are ready will not make it happen. The world doesn’t work that way.” 

“You’ll never feel like doing what you must do.” 

“Waiting around for something to change will slowly kill you.”