I'm a bit of a night owl, I'm always visiting the gym throughout the night.

I dunno - there's always a beast that comes out whenever I want it to... I can control the beast and everything, but it comes out when I want to.

I enjoy healthy foods but I'm not scared to have a cheat meal or cheat day, have a burger or whatever.

I love apple crumble and custard - that's my little treat.

Front squats and trap bar deadlifts are the two best big compound movements for quad growth.

I'm all about helping people understand more about exercise in general and more specifically on occasion, about certain key parts of their body and physique.

Although the TV commercials will try and have you believe otherwise, there is nothing good about breakfast cereal. No matter how 'low fat' or 'high in fibre' the box tells you it is, ditching the high sugar cereals is the first step you need to take towards a better breakfast.

Good nutrition must be at the core of all that you do training and health wise.

In order to pack on the most amount of muscle from your training, you need to train specifically for hypertrophy.

At some point, the power side of the game has to peak, players can't get much bigger. Guys will be doing more footwork and explosive-speed stuff.

The best players aren't necessarily the biggest.

Going to a final and winning is the best thing in life, and it makes rugby no longer a job. It makes it fun.

If you get an opportunity to win any silverware you take it.

Shooting's not actually a bad place to take a girl on a date, unbelievably.

I like my boxing and jiu jitsu and that kind of stuff and one thing I always enjoyed from an early age was shooting. My godfather got me into it. It started with airguns and shotguns and that kind of stuff.

I like to think I am honest and open.

I'm always pretty fair-handed.

Do I respect my competition? Yeah. Do I always think that I could do a better job? Of course.

When I am doing something I give it 100 per cent. I work on it, do it and go onto the next thing.

I was diagnosed with ADD when I was 14. Weirdly enough, I then learnt, through doing different things, to concentrate.

It was so important to have stuff outside of rugby so you have a life balance. I took a lot of criticism for that earlier in my career and thank God I ignored what everyone else said and did what I was always going to do.

In rugby I think it is good to have a bit of a persona, a bit of a character because we are one of the last things that isn't necessarily controlled.

I think 5G is going to make a dramatic difference in sport and beyond.

When I started my professional rugby career, in 2002, there was one guy filming training if you were lucky.