In pro wrestling, it's fake. People always get offended by that word. 'No, we like to say it's pre-determined.' For whatever reason, people get angry at 'fake'; 'pre-determined' eases the blow? It's fake. At the end of the day, it doesn't really mean anything.

It's easy to quit. It's easy to not get something that you want and just say, 'Well, that didn't work out,' and move on to the next thing.

I'm going to be that gnarly guy that gets in somebody's face and makes it ugly. I'm a bit of a grinder.

I don't measure myself against my coaches, I don't measure myself against my teammates. If I'm doing jiu-jitsu for sport, I don't measure myself against the guy I'm rolling with or whatever belt he is or how many stripes he has on his belt. I measure myself every day against the guy I was yesterday.

I have a special place in my heart for the Straight Edge Society. Never reached its full potential.

No one wants to get beat up in front of the world.

I think you could split my fans up just like any other guy's fans. Some of them are cool, and some of them are obnoxious. But it's the variety that makes it great.

I have a Wii at home that I mainly play 'Punch-Out!' on.

WWE doesn't do anything to protect the wrestlers; they do things to protect themselves.

Being out there in a high-pressure situation with a live audience and a live TV camera on you, it brings something out.

On fight night, you show up. And the question becomes, 'Did you or did you not do the work that is going to prepare you for what is about to occur?' And I just think that's a beautiful thing.

I jumped to the WWE, and the perceived notion was I became more successful. I got to touch more people's lives and influence more people and perform in front of more people, and that was a great thing.

I don't get why people love to hate John Cena. But as long as he gets a reaction that's positive or negative, he's doing his job.

I can be hard on myself, and I can get down on myself.

There's such a wide demographic who watches the WWE. And everybody's into something different.

I believe you only have one chance on this earth, and I'm just trying to live my life and do what makes me happy.

The only thing I've ever bought with the money I've made is my house.

I think, at some point in my wrestling career, I took myself way too seriously, and I took the wrestling business way too seriously. It probably helped sour me on the whole process. It probably helped burn me out.

Fame is an apparition. Fame is a side effect of success.

I remember always loving the bad guy Shawn Michaels. Everyone else always hated when he played the bad guy, but there was just something about that character I connected with.

I did not wake up one day and say, 'I wanna be famous.' I did not wake up and say, 'I wanna be a UFC fighter.' I woke up and said, 'I want to be successful at something I want to do. I want to fight.'

I wouldn't expect anybody to look for superawesome crisp technique out of me.

Black cats cross my path all the time. I'll break a mirror. I have no regard for superstition.

When someone else is making money off of you and using your body, you need to step off the carousel.