I'm a polarizing person, so people get caught up in hoping I fail. And just like success, failure is a perspective.

Greg Rucka's 'Lazarus' is amazing.

I think, fundamentally, the core of everything I do is punk rock.

I understand people want to see me get knocked out.

One of my best friends in the world is Lars Frederiksen. He plays guitar for a band called Rancid.

I'm never concerned about my beliefs hurting me in any way. I'd rather lose a job than have to lie.

I'm somebody who tries to remain positive and looks forward to setting goals and reaching them. But that's easier said than done.

The do-it-yourself lifestyle is something that I've translated into wrestling.

I don't believe you have to be blood to be family, so I have a lot of family members.

I don't mind getting punched in the face. It kind of wakes me up and gets me excited.

I've shattered every negative stereotype people had about me.

I think the good ones, the interviews and the promos people remember, those are improv.

I'm somebody who constantly wants to challenge himself, evolve, and grow. Because if you don't, you fade. You become stagnant.

Everybody knows how to throw a punch. Not correctly - he or she might not know how to turn the wrist or know what part of the hand to hit with. But humans instinctively know to fight, whether they bite or claw or pull hair. It's an instinct.

I think being angry is what keeps me motivated.

Straight edge is everything about a personal decision to not live my life under the influence or not being aware. I pretty much don't like anything that alters my view of reality or my perception or my grasp.

Sometimes things don't go your way, but you get up and keep going.

I don't smoke. I don't drink. I don't use drugs. That may be boring for some people, but that's just me. That's how I live my life.

Several nutrition companies have approached me over the years to endorse a number of different products. Some worked; some didn't - so I decided to create my own brand.

I'll take what I can get when I go high with a hook, but the side of the head makes a big target, especially if his hands are down.

When I throw the hook, I think of my arm as a whip with a rock attached to the end.

Having 'The Ultimate Fighter' was the thing that did it for us, live fighting on TV. That's what we had to do, was get a live fight on TV. It couldn't have worked out better.

We have come a long way from the first season of 'The Ultimate Fighter.'

My style of fighting is to go down and trying to finish the guy and trying to end fights, not laying up because I'm winning the fight, just keep going after it.