To me, Punisher is pretty black and white. He's very simple, and at the same time, he's very complex. I don't know why I think I understand the guy, but I feel I do.

I read 'Preacher' once a year.

When I started wrestling, I never wanted to go to WWE. It was the Japanese life for me.

When I stopped wrestling, I literally lay in bed for two weeks.

Something I'm completely not open to is remaking movies.

I grew up a wrestling fan, so to be doing what my 'heroes' were doing when I was a kid, it's fun. I have fun out there.

I've always had an extremely passionate fan base.

Punk rock and straight edge will always be married together. As far as me integrating that with wrestling, I learned a lot from punk rock.

I do envision myself having kids one day, and I always wanted a little girl.

Winning is different based on your perspective, just like success is different based on your perspective.

I'm certainly not a baby kissing, hand slapping, rah rah good guy. I definitely think there's more of an edge to my character.

I hate teaming up with people. Absolutely hate it.

Of course I'm happy with my time in professional wrestling. I met some great people, I met my wife, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Obviously, I carved out a pretty successful path and career for myself. But I'm kind of fascinated with, for lack of a better term, Renaissance men. And women. People who do a lot of different things.

I'm the kind of guy that jumps at an opportunity.

Pro wrestling has always been ingrained into American culture. It was one of the first things that was ever on television, so everybody watched it. Countless people tell me, 'I got into wrestling because my grandfather watched it.' It was always there.

I think smartphones need to send an electrical shock to a user when they get their your/you're mixed up.

I've done things, sometimes foolishly misguided, because I wanted to give back to the fans.

Inside and outside of the ring, what you see is what you get. I'm CM Punk. I'm not trying to be something I'm not. I'm not trying to lie to the people or be fake. I'm not trying to be some crazy, outlandish character.

I read 'Y: The Last Man' once a year.

To be ECW champion is something that I take very, very seriously.

I'm always amazed that people are shocked when their despicable action causes an equally despicable reaction.

I've kind of gotten mad over the years, reading different Punisher stories and seeing multiple Punisher movies. Nobody gets the character right.

There was a long time in my professional life that I was not happy, and there was nothing anyone else could have done to make me happy. There was a big stretch where I was very sick, and I was very hurt. Those charged with taking care of my health and well-being weren't very good at their jobs. Or maybe they were too good at their jobs.