I was rich before I had any money. Being rich has nothing to do with anything monetary.

Contrary to popular belief, I do occasionally get to watch TNA, mostly on fast forward, but Bobby Roode is one of the guys... solid, solid guy.

I think what's captivating about me on the microphone is my honesty.

Success is based on your perspective.

I think the best fighters are the smart guys. They do what they are good at. They're smart about what they do.

I'm a goal-oriented person, and instead of focusing on the past, I'd rather focus on the future.

I get in my own head, and at the end of the day, I'm my biggest critic, and I'm my worst enemy, too.

The day of my wedding, I got a FedEx in the mail. It was my termination papers. I was fired... on my wedding day.

I set goals, and I like to reach them and accomplish new things.

I'm an excellent judge of character. I can tell people who want something from me or if they're actually buddies.

There's only one thing people love more than their heroes, and that's stomping them into the ground.

Everything I say, it comes from the heart. It's all real.

I love the sport, and I have for a long time. I'd stay up late and watch the Pride New Year's Eve shows. I watch all the UFC pay-per-views. I'm a fan. I love this stuff.

There are always going to be detractors who will say I don't look like I'll be able to hang with Brock Lesnar. But Brock's a freak of nature, and I don't know anybody who looks like they can 'hang' with Brock Lesnar. But anyone can be choked out in seven seconds.

I don't think marriage is in the cards for me. I think it's an archaic institution.

I'm not superstitious about anything in my life - except for playoff hockey. I get really kind of sketchy and weird about it. I don't like talking about it. I don't like making predictions.

When I hear people say that they don't think that I can do something or they don't think I belong somewhere, that's all it takes for me to prove them wrong, and it's motivation.

Doing the same old thing every day, week in and week out, it gets boring. I'm all about new challenges, new opponents.

I like winning or losing, failing or succeeding on my own merit.

I think everybody is always selling me short, and then I always prove them wrong.

I've been a fan of Bob Odenkirk since he was on HBO originally with 'Mr. Show.'

I don't like having debts. I don't like buying anything that I can't buy in cash.

There's a lot of guys in pro wrestling that just kind of have this MMA fantasy, and they never act on it. I'm acting on it. I don't want to be one of those guys who sits there and goes, 'I could have done that or I should have done that.'

I think everyone's dream is to do nothing.