I don't see myself as a leader, I just feel that everything I say, people are listening and people are doing.

Since he sold his team, Eddie Jordan has had nothing to do with F1 except for what he says in the press!

Playing dirty has never been part of my game.

The accident did not change my life, change the way I think, the way I work. For sure, it gave me even more experience. The biggest problem was my sight, I couldn't see with my left eye.

My mother never watches the start of my races - because she fears for me.

I was sure after the accident when in hospital in Hungary that I was not in the position not to lose any races.

There are a lot of good cars, good teams and good drivers.

It is important to work to get the good result. If you have that nothing else is important.

Sauber had a bad championship the year after they fired me and so if I had stayed it would have not been so good. Sometimes life does these things to you because it's the right thing. You think it's wrong, 'initially, but life proves different.

Sometimes things don't happen in the way you want it to. But that's sport.

I think that if you are well-accepted by the other drivers and respected it is important.

A lot of things happen in a difficult way inside Ferrari in terms of pressure.

I'm very confident about being on the grid in Australia in 2003.

Everything can change pretty quickly in Formula One in two or three races.

My son understands a lot and he's pushing me really hard. He always tells me 'you need to win, you need to be good.' He's happy to see that his father is racing and I think he understands step by step more about Formula One and he really likes it.

For sure working with Ferrari is a great pleasure. It's a great team, it's a great experience and it's a great dream as well to be there.

I'm pretty relaxed, trying to enjoy the races, trying to do the best I can in the car, trying to the give the best to the team, and that's the most important thing.

My family is important to me. They have always been close to me during my career, victories and defeats, and the most difficult moments.

We always need to keep working to improve safety - not just the cars; the tracks and everything are very safe now.

I think what makes things interesting in Formula E, and I really hope it happens with me, is that many drivers are able to win the race. Maybe many drivers can win the championship.

I am happy to start from zero, to create, to restart.

I talked to everyone. But I also did work with a professional psychologist, sporting psychologist. That was just the beginning. After that I was able to change the direction to think, the direction to work and I think it was like training I did.

I don't want to be the king, 'I don't need that, I want to race even without the helmet, I am the king.' I am not like that. I just want to make things better for the drivers and for the safety.

I always had a good relationship with all my team-mates in my career.