I'll always give it my all, and to be with a quality manufacturer like BMW is mega.

Not everybody would choose to be a firefighter or an ambulance driver. Not everyone wants to see the nasty bits of life.

It was always my dream to drive for Ferrari.

I am proud to be part of Ferrari's history.

I'd like to be remembered as an important component of the Ferrari team.

There's no better place to be on the podium than here at Monza.

I have zero frustration in my life and that's the way it is.

Maybe I am the driver who got the most close to the championship in history.

People always put me completely out of the game, and that's even nicer because nobody expects you to do a good job and then you do a better job than everybody thinks and it's nicer.

If you know how to set up the car, if you know how to work with the team, you know what you need to have a comfortable car to drive.

My first year, I was really a kind of a wild guy. But I had a very difficult car to drive and I was very young. I think I was maybe too young to have started straight away.

I have zero pressure, because I have nothing to lose.

My return is not about seeing Formula One as the best option, but is about seeing the role at Williams as the best option. I would not have returned for any other team.

I have a passion for racing, for competing and for fighting on the track.

We had many years with refueling in Formula 1 and we had a few problems, but not really very dangerous problems to be honest.

After your time passes at Ferrari, you may drive for another team, but you're always a Ferrari driver.

Driving for Ferrari is completely different. Not in the way you work, the way of working is similar in whatever team you go - especially in the top teams. But it's different because it's like a religion.

I am not here really just to race. I am here to win. That's really my point.

For me, my country is the most important thing.

I will do everything I can always for my country.

The time I say that I am a number two driver, I will not race any more.

Sometimes you don't see the result that you expect.

When you're at Ferrari, you know your team-mate will be strong.

If I had my accident maybe 10 years ago I wouldn't be here now. The technology we have now, the helmets, can save your life.