I'd much rather be known for what I do than what I look like.

Mac Face and Body foundation - I wear that even when I'm in a bikini.

What made the biggest difference to how I looked and felt was cutting out all sugar.

I prefer being a non-drinker.

I was a magician's assistant and had to go in the box that they put the swords through, and there's no trick to it. You literally have to dodge the swords.

I take care of my skin and always have.

I don't believe for a second 'X Factor' would deliberately put someone through who wasn't mentally stable.

There's a lot of things you can't change about yourself, so there's no point moaning about it. I mean, I've got a really nonsymmetrical face, but I can't change it - well, I probably could, actually!

I think that's just part of what people do and part of being a female in the media. One day it's, 'Doesn't she look thin,' then the next day, 'She's put on weight.'

If you like someone, even if its 2 A.M. and you've just finished work, then you get that lovely feeling where you want to see them.

I like good food, and I'll eat until I'm full.

The fame game's fun, but it's not forever.

I used to be really comfortable with my body until I started hearing from people I didn't even know who have no relevance to me saying, 'You're ugly. You're fat. You're old.' And I thought, 'Hold on - I was doing alright until you piped up.'

People see the celebrity lifestyle and assume everything is perfect, but we're just like everyone else.

The thing about Prince Harry is that he has no choice. He's not some egotistical rock star who wants loads of attention. That is his life. He didn't ask for it, but he just has to deal with it.

I'm always starving in the morning, so I eat a lot for breakfast. It's usually scrambled or poached eggs, bacon, avocado, mushrooms, or sometimes even steak.

I think sometimes people say a comment and don't realise they're body shaming. I don't think people are body-shamers, maybe just body-judgers. People will say throw-away comments.

While anti-depressants can work for some people, I became a little too reliant on them - if you forget to take one, you feel awful.

Anti-depressants helped me get up in the morning and stopped me from being sad, but what they also do is stop you from being happy. So I was just in this numb state. I stopped laughing at jokes, and that's just not me.

I never really enjoyed cardio.

It's good to have flaws; it's learning to love your flaws.

Television is where I'm most at home. I'm not one of those TV presenters who secretly yearns to be a Hollywood actress. Live telly is what I thrive on.

Everyone is battling something emotional behind closed doors - that's life.

Don't put your love life on Instagram! It's nice to celebrate how you feel at a particular time, but don't get carried away.