It's so much easier to be truthful. Maybe I'm just too lazy to lie.

Fostering is not for the faint of heart.

I worked to put myself through college.

My parents worked hard, sometimes two jobs, to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table.

I paid my own bills even when I was married and my husband could have easily paid them.

Delusion and denial does not equal an apology.

Moving on' is a concept invented by Housewives. Housewives who behave so appallingly all they can do is say they are moving on, preferably in a place where everyone can hear them. To stay put and acknowledge that their actions have consequences and to accept responsibility is simply too painful for this particular brand of narcissist.

Yes, I'm a carb junkie. No, I don't workout.

I'm used to people commenting on my body, even women I have just met.

I've been underweight my entire life but not so much that I didn't get my period.

I'm a reporter by nature and training. I like things that make sense.

Facts make you face stuff about yourself you'd rather not see.

The best bloggers have tongue planted firmly in cheek.

My late husband's family is not something I sit around and discuss at cocktail parties.

I do not chase silly drama for the sake of storylines, though it sometimes seems to find me.

I do not create events for the sake of television.

I try to keep it as honest and real as I can with television crews following me around.

Laughter cures everything.

When you own an apartment in NewYork, it's important to know what's happening in your building. Each building runs as its own little municipal town. Much like you might be interested in knowing what is happening in your town because it has a direct effect on the value of your property.

I, like many young widows, have very well developed gallows humor.

I'm cautious in matters of the heart.

The best advice I can give a girl is to keep new relationships private. There is nothing like a handful of well-intentioned 'girlfriend advice' to derail a blooming romance.

No, I'm not a woman who overshares.

I spent time in refugee camps in Southeast Asia, and in the projects of Chicago. I've been to State dinners with Presidents. I met the Queen of England on a beach in Anguilla. No one is any more valuable or important than you are. No one is more important than your family and your friends.