I went into journalism for a reason. I try to be a thoughtful person. I try to see all sides. And I do think before I speak.

I don't like bad smells.

Some candles are $40, and you burn them for two days and they're done.

I don't think girls realize that alcohol is just the worst for the skin.

Sometimes silence is the best way to shut down an awkward conversation.

Running is something you can do and be alone in your thoughts, and I like that. Maybe I've been a runner my whole life.

My first time on the treadmill, I was nervous.

I like carbs and I like junk food, and I don't gain any weight from them, so I've been slightly abusive of my body because of this.

I have always approached 'Housewives' as a comedy.

There are things I'm never late for. I'm not late for the theater; I'm not late for the movies; I'm not late if my single girlfriend is at a bar somewhere. But if I'm on vacation in Mexico with a bunch of cackling hens, then I'm going to be late for dinner - count on it.

The first thing I bought when I was 14 and started working was a crystal bear. I thought it was so glamorous and sparkly.

I don't hoard things and I don't cling to memories.

I've taken a lot of chances in my life.

The Shamwow is amazing. So absorbent.

To be honest, I don't really have my own makeup because when I'm not on television or doing a photoshoot or something I barely wear it.

Taking care of yourself is a part of life - and it shows.

Liking beauty doesn't mean you're superficial.

There's nothing worse than getting on a crowded subway on, like, a 90-degree day.

One of my greatest extravagances is smelly candles. I'm embarrassed to say, but I spend a disproportionate amount of money on candles. It adds up.

I just want to say that from an early age, my parents instilled in me the values that you work hard for want you want in life; that your word is your bond; that you do what you say you will do and you treat people with respect. That includes Housewives too!

I've always been 100%. I don't grandstand for the cameras. I don't have fake outrage or indignation. No tricks, no screaming or throwing my leg on the floor.

We inherit the family we're born into and create the family we need.

If you hear that my soul mate still tells one or more of his exes he loves her, I want to know. Audio recording is preferable.

I'm a reporter by nature, I want to know everything.