Didn't Virat Kohli fall in love and still perform? If he can, why can't I?

My story is very long. And for somebody to write a good story, one needs a good writer, too.

When I am on the track, I get the greatest joy by running the fastest.

I have watched a documentary on Caster Semenya. I am inspired by how she made a comeback.

It wasn't an easy journey to participating in the Olympics. It has taken me 14 years of training and hard work.

I believe nobody has the right to judge me as an athlete because of my decision to be with who I want. It is a personal decision, which should be respected.

I have always supported the rights of those who want to be in a same-sex relationship. It is an individual person's choice.

We all have the right to be happy and to love someone without any inhibitions.

For somebody like me, who has trained barefoot in a small village in Odisha, I know training without proper facilities can be extremely difficult. Having experienced it all, I would like to give back to my community by creating a running academy for children.

Freedom to love and freedom to choose who you love are one's basic rights and we shouldn't be scared to exercise them.

I really value and appreciate Menaka Guruswamy and Arundhati Katju's contribution in spearheading the historic judgement of decriminalisation of Section 377 in India. Their relentless efforts and fight against the discrimination and violence faced by the LGBTQ community in India was a ray of hope for many of us.

I used to run barefoot, wearing a frock. During the rains, I used to run on stones and puddles.

When my elder sister decided to pursue sports, she faced a lot of music at home. We didn't have a TV in our village, so no one understood the value of sports. But my sister convinced my parents that participating in sports would mean a secure job in the government.

My parents are weavers. They worked very hard to give us our daily food.

My sister was an athlete. Every time she came home during her break, I would accompany her. Initially, I took part in school sports, but gradually, my sister encouraged me to take it up professionally.

The more medals I win, the more my ambitions and confidence levels increase.

Gold medal always feels great. In fact, any appreciation or acknowledgement is a great morale booster.

The World University Games Gold medal was a great confidence booster for me. It highlighted my talents, my performance and dedication.

When I participated in Rio Olympics in 2016, I failed to grab a medal. But it was a learning experience.

Participation in international events has given me a lot of experience.

I am passionate to win and achieve something big for the country.

I come from a poor background, I've seen struggle. Money will come and go, but I will continue to be grounded.

My God showed me that I had the ability to make my family and my country proud. That's why I concentrated on sports and worked hard.

When I was a kid, I dreamt of being a runner. My mother and father always told me to go after what I wanted. I went after running.