My focus will always be my athletic career and winning more medals for the country.

I think people will see my medals and my performance for my country and not what I do off the field. They like me because I win for the country and I will continue to do so.

I think I am a sportsperson. A lot of people look up to me, so I have the responsibility to set the right example for them.

The kids who take up athletics actually come from modest to poor backgrounds. They make it on their own steam; some of them don't even have the basic means like shoes and enough food to eat.

Group events like cricket, football and kabaddi have private leagues, which are all being played for money. There are no such events in athletics. Everything is run by the government bodies, there's less money involved in our game, and we are not even paid as well as people in other sports.

Every family goes through ups and downs. You may want a relationship with someone, which your family may not approve of but they don't stop loving you.

My family has always been very supportive of me and my choice of sport.

I believe in individual freedom and right to decide how and with whom I will live my life.

No one likes to make their personal life public.

My friends at PeTA India and I encourage everyone to treat animals with kindness and respect, just as we all want to be treated every day.

Animals in the streets have tough lives, so it's up to all of us to speak out if we ever witness them being abused.

One should not poke their nose into the private life of other persons.

I prefer to train alone at SAI camp in Hyderabad. I don't train at national camp at NIS Patiala.

I will try hard to win more medals for the country and make India proud.

I am doing a lot of core training exercises to build and strengthen my body, spending more time in gym. I am also doing endurance training like repeating 300m, 350m races in a day. Then I also do repeat of 60m, 70m.

I have to improve on my speed endurance, and I am working on it.

Yeah, I am controversy's favourite child. But I am of the opinion that I come back stronger after every controversy.

I come from a small village.

One may fall in love anytime and with anyone. One does not decide that based on caste, religion or gender.

For all who are in love but afraid of the world you must show courage because the world has always taken time to accept all good things.

Olympics is the ultimate target and I could not do well in the 2016 Games.

Just like any other human being is concerned about his or her personal life, I also need to think about my personal life.

Athletics is not like cricket; we feed on the competition and that makes us bring out the best in us.

Winning is very addictive, that's why it's very hard when suddenly - boom - you are not the favorites any more.