The best thing is one hour of aerobics and one hour of anaerobics.

If you're 19 and you don't look good, it's nature's fault. If you're 35 and you don't look good, it's your own fault.

'Playboy Magazine' has been a devil's advocate for me. Because of the image and type-casting, it's harder to convince people that I can sing. Yet, I probably wouldn't have had the chance, had it not been for Playboy.

There came a time when I had to decide between show business and devoting my full time to medical training. I chose show business.

When I first came to Southern California I enrolled at UCLA in pre-med. My fathers a doctor. But the sight of blood turns me off, so I began doing television commercials.

I take every lesson in the book: singing, acting, guitar, piano, jazz, organ and tap-dancing.

My real name is Barbara Klein and I'm from Sacramento.

I think Jane Fonda is to be admired for her stands.

People, whatever their profession is, have a right to fight for the right causes.

I'm no libber. I like it when a man looks at me and treats me like a woman. I do think though, that women should get equal pay to a man doing the same thing.

People automatically assume that if I get anywhere it's because of my association with X, Y or Z, or because I'm pretty.

I want to get past the Playboy image and really develop myself as an actress, a dancer and a singer.

When I first started to sing, people automatically asked what Barbi Benton was doing behind a microphone, and I'm determined to show them there is talent here.

I'm looking for personal credibility as an entertainer.

The 'Playboy' affiliation will probably stick for the rest of my life to some extent.

In 'Sugar' I'll be singing in every episode and I'll be acting and doing comedy. It's ideal for me if it works.

I want to keep my roots in Hollywood.

Joining 'Hee Haw' was one of of the best moves I ever made. Until then I had no television exposure except the talk shows.

I'm not really the star of 'Sugar.' I'm co-starring with two other girls, Marianne Black and Didi Carr. We play roommates in the series and we sing together professionally.

You can't let fashion tell you what to do. If it doesn't look good on you you're better off without it.

I buy unknown, lower-name brand jeans. I don't care about the name brands, if I look good in the jeans I don't care who made them.

I like low-cut clothing because I am a believer that one should emphasize their best points.

I do two things every single day - I go running and then I do weight lifting.

When I was growing up, we were in a high income bracket, one of the highest. I was one of the first in high school to get a car. And I didn't have to wait for it to be a graduation present, either. We've probably got one of the nicest houses in Sacramento.