When he died, he took a big piece of me with him. I'm sure that every time I do something, I'll think about having done it with Hef.

When we first dated, I would not go home with Hef, so the only way that he could see me was by taking me out. We went out quite a bit.

Anybody that was famous found their way to the Playboy Mansion. It was exciting for me. But I didn't know half of them!

I was also dating someone from UCLA and also I had another suitor, Jimmy Caan. So it was between my college boyfriend, Jimmy Caan and Hef. And Hef won. Within a few months, we were exclusive.

Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.

The audience fills me back up, definitely.

For me, in the audition, the song that you choose should make you cry. It doesn't matter why: it could be because you're happy, but it gives you that feeling that you're overflowing.

It's hard being a Barbie doll all the time.

I sometimes write songs on the piano, even though I don't actually play the piano. I always hire someone to play for me whenever I decide to sing a song I have written on the piano. My song 'Rosa' is one.

I love having a basement.

I've always been inspired by Patti LuPone.

I love New York City. I really do. I 'heart' New York.

The musicals on Broadway have not necessarily been true musical theater. I'm speaking generally, of course: I saw 'Spring Awakening,' and I was completely inspired by that.

There is genuine healing in a beautifully crafted musical theatre song, like Stephen Sondheim's 'Losing My Mind,' or a pop music gem like Joni Mitchell's 'Help Me.'

I have fallen deeply in love with songs - musical theatre songs included - over the years, and this experience has taught me to hear and honor the writer's voice in my soul.

As long as a tune has the power to move me, I'm a lifelong fan.

I have learned that music comes in all shapes and sizes.

Any kind of grieving that is not allowed causes a break. In our culture, grieving in public is not encouraged, but in other cultures, it is done publicly. Some cultures have walls where people can cry. We don't have that. We have theatre where there's always the chance for you to face things within yourself.

'Closure' is the word used for a loss that's not acknowledged - and the habit this causes, physically and mentally, for anybody who is participating in that.

My Mickey Mouse ears were given to me by a dear friend. They remind me of how I need to be silly.

You always kind of feel like you're rolling the dice as an actor.

I come from the Midwest, from the suburbs - growing up hanging out at the mall and looking at the corn fields across the street. I kind of was embarrassed by it for a long time. Then I decided, 'Hey, if everyone else can embrace their homeland and where they're from, I can do the same!'