The new age disc jockeys and program directors have accepted me as a new age artist, along with Shadowfax and the rest, and they're playing my songs.

With Hef it was a relationship. It's the world that made a big thing out of it.

It's a hindrance in trying to get a serious acting role. The minute a producer has a script and my name comes up, they immediately think of 'Playboy,' 'Hee Haw,' 'Fantasy Island' and 'Love Boat.'

Frankly my parents didn't like him. They objected to the things he stood for. Besides, daddy and Hef are the same age.

Actually, diamonds are a very common stone. I prefer emeralds.

Of course, I'm not exactly the girl next door.

What I really want is to create a name based on my own accomplishments.

I will never be Barbra Streisand, but I have done an awful lot more than what I was sent out to be.

After three months of singing, Hef heard me practicing once. He tried to convince me to quit singing lessons because there was no chance of being good at it. Of course, I cried a lot when he said that, but it was my money that I was investing in lessons so I continued partly out of spite and partly because I really wanted to do it.

I have this problem where I'm never satisfied with what I do.

I've lost a lot of fat and that's through weight lifting.

What I don't like is the way people automatically think I am a kept woman, that he pays my expenses. This puts me in a rage. I've always paid my own way, even while living in his mansion. I've kept an apartment of my own. In fact, I not only buy my own clothes, but many of Hef's, too - he just hates to shop.

When I first met Hef, I didn't like him at all. I thought he was too old.

As for those who condemn Hef, he's done a great deal for women's lib and sexual liberation as well.

I don't wish to sound chauvinistic, but I feel the female body is beautiful to look at, more so than a male's.

It took me five years to learn how to sing.

Nobody thought I could do anything with a singing career... except my singing teachers, who were accustomed to hearing voices that could be transformed into something.

People are surprised that I can walk and talk.

But I'd like to be taken seriously as a singer.

I know that part of my success on stage is due to the fact that I've kept myself together.

Circus lions are mean. They don't know anything about affection training.

Hef has always been attracted to younger women. He loves to see the world through the eyes of someone seeing it for the first time.

Hef was very protective of the women who went to the Mansion.

Bill Cosby was one of the first people I met at the Mansion, shortly after I met Hef in 1968.