"If everybody who had brains and doubts left Orthodoxy, we would be in a great deal of trouble."

"No one knows he is fortunate until he becomes unfortunate, that's the way the world is."

"I'm not going to ask for anything unless the workers want it. If they want it, they'll ask for it."

"George loves the T Rex because it's the noisiest and the scariest."

"The Queen was really thrilled that we'd had a little girl, and when we came back here to Kensington, she was one of her first visitors."

"I don't know if I have a favorite color."

"No, I had the Levis guy on my wall, not a picture of William, sorry."

"I find doing speeches nerve wrecking."

"We want to encourage people to talk to one another."

"I love my lawyer. I have to say that of course!"

"There are a lot of women who live with pot-bellied pigs."

"I rub a mixture of honey and salt all over my body to moisturise and exfoliate. You wash it off and your skin is gorgeous."

"We recently had an extension built, to house a closet. It's like the Tardis - I go in there and never come out."

"People expect a lot more from someone they think looks interesting. It's a burden."

"Bjork is a very original, interesting person. I like her very much."

"I like some of the early silent films because I love to watch how actors had to play then. What would interest me today is to do a silent film."

"People don't know very much about me. They do not know what really goes on in my private life."

"I love vampire stories. That's why I did the movie. Women especially were taken with that movie-even more so when it came out on video."

"I think anything that has to do with sexuality makes people very interested."

"Sex is a big question mark. It is something people will talk about forever."

"He was like a man who had served a term in prison or had been to Harvard College or had lived for a long time with foreigners in South America."

"If you were to make little fishes talk, they would talk like whales."

"Conscience is a coward, and those faults it has not strength enough to prevent it seldom has justice enough to accuse."