"I'm not in favor of just taking short-term isolated situations and depleting our resources to keep our climate just the way it is today."

"Somebody would think I was trying to get favored treatment because my ancestors had the name Moon. And that's a joke."

“Imperialism: The final stage of Capitalism.” 

“We are not utopians, we do not “dream” of dispensing at once with all administration, with all subordination. These anarchist dreams, based upon incomprehension of the tasks of the proletarian dictatorship, are totally alien to Marxism, and, as a matter of fact, serve only to postpone the socialist revolution until people are different. No, we want the socialist revolution with people as they are now, with people who cannot dispense with subordination, control, and "foremen and accountants".” 

“Exchange, fair or unfair,always presupposes and includes the rule of the bourgeoisie.” 

“The roots of modern religion are deeply embedded in the social oppression of the working masses.” 

“It is necessary sometimes to take one step backward to take two steps forward.” 

“The departments are shit; decrees are shit.” 

You must never be fearful of what you are doing when it is right

So perished the hope founded on the wonderful being who thus ceased to be. In the study room to which he was never to return, the water buttercups he had brought from the country were still fresh. 

Humanity needs practical men, who get the most out of their work, and, without forgetting the general good, safeguard their own interests. But humanity also needs dreamers, for whom the disinterested development of an enterprise is so captivating that it becomes impossible for them to devote their care to their own material profit. 

It can be easily understood that there was no place in our life for worldly relations. 

So I saw that there is nothing better for a person than to enjoy their work, because that is their lot. For who can bring them to see what will happen after them?

A ring of gold in a swine’s snout, is a beautiful woman who is without discretion.

Whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.

Rivers run into the sea, but the sea is never full. Then the water returns again to the rivers and flows out again to the sea.

Trust me, setting things up right from the beginning will avoid a ton of tears and heartache…

I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind.

Winning takes precedence over all. There’s no gray area. No almosts.

I never look at fashion magazines. I find them incredibly boring.

Don't just eat McDonald's, get something a bit better. Eat a salad. That's what fashion is. It's something that is a bit better.

If you hear Anarchy in the UK today your hair stands on end. It gives you the shivers.

I was still interested in the youth rebellion but never-the-less I stopped being a victim. Stopped trying to attack the establishment realizing that it takes too much of your energy.