The arts have only ever interested a small minority of people, which acted as a kind of nursery to support artists.

“I like to literally put women on a pedestal” 

“I rarely do any back story. I often get a thick bible of back story, but I can’t use it. The back story is a tool of the writer. But I can only act what’s in the scene.”

The truth is outside of all fixed patterns.

It is not daily increase but daily decrease – hack away the unessential! The closer to the source, the less wastage there is.

Be like water; water has form and yet it has no form. It is the softest element on earth, yet it penetrates the hardest rock.

“It is not about reading the Word. It is about obeying the Word.” 

“Stop being tomented by everyone else's reaction to you.” 

“Character is doing what you don't want to do but know you should do.”

I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.

People who don't gamble aren't worth talking to.

Although a precise outlook on the international situation is hard for anyone to make, it is needless to say that now the time has come for the Navy, especially the Combined Fleet, to devote itself seriously to war preparations, training, and operational plans with a firm determination that a conflict with the U.S. and Great Britain is inevitable.

Should hostilities once break out between Japan and the United States, it is not enough that we take Guam and the Philippines, nor even Hawaii and San Francisco. We would have to march into Washington and sign the treaty in the White House.

I wonder what Heaven must think of the people down here on this small black speck in the universe that is earth, or of all their talk about the last few years-which are no more than a flash compared with eternity-being 'a time of emergency." It's really ridiculous.

Japan has always regarded the aircraft carrier as one of the most offensive of armaments.

Today, as chief Of the guardians of the seas Of the land of the dawn, I gaze up with awe At the rising sun!

Never tell anyone outside my staff that the Submarine Force and the First Air Fleet were responsible for the failure at Midway. The failure at Midway was mine.

If a war breaks out with the United States, the navy will have to put all its strength into interceptive operations, so... massive sea-borne supplies might be momentarily interrupted.

“Affection is like the noonday sun; it does not need the presence of another to be manifest.” 

“I'd realized that in writing happiness is useless-without suffering there is no story.” 

“I have seen these persons speak unthinkingly, not realizing that to speak is also to be. Word and gesture are man's thought. We should not speak without reason.” 

“that in itself age doesn’t make anyone better or wiser, but only accentuates what they have always been.” 

“She felt that everything was made of glass, as fragile as a sigh”