"Garlicky chicken is the best breakfast in the world."

"Nobody cares about the bronze or silver medals."

“No other writer tells a story so well and with so much profound philosophy as Haruki Murakami does!”

“She was a quiet little creature living deep in the woods, with pale wings like the shadow of a spirit.”

“Intelligent teenage girls were often instinctively theatrical, purposely eccentric, mouthing highly suggestive words to confuse people.”

“The scene seemed somehow divorced from reality, although reality, he knew, could at times be terribly unreal.”

“Closing your eyes isn’t going to change anything. Nothing’s going to disappear just because you can’t see what’s going on…. Keep your eyes wide open. Only a coward closes his eyes.”

“I understood for the first time that I didn't understand what I thought I understood”

“Everything is there but there are no parts. Since there are no parts there's no need to replace one thing with another. No need to remove anything or add anything. You don't have to think about difficult things just let yourself soak it all in. For Nakata nothing could be better.”

“Once you’re lost, you panic. You’re in total despair, not knowing what to do. I hate it when that happens. Sex can be a real pain that way, ‘cause when you get in the mood all you can think about is what’s right under your nose - that’s sex, all right.”

“Where the road sloped upward beyond the trees, I sat and looked toward the building where Naoko lived. It was easy to tell which room was hers. All I had to do was find the one window toward the back where a faint light trembled. I focused on that point of light for a long, long time. It made me think of something like the final throb of a soul's dying embers. I wanted to cup my hands over what was left and keep it alive. I went on watching the way Jay Gatsby watched that tiny light on the opposite shore night after night.”

Revenge is a caustic thing. I say, Breathe in, breathe deeply, let it go.

A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed.

“My better is better than your better.”

“Imperialism: The final stage of Capitalism.” 

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” 

“It is true that liberty is precious; so precious that it must be carefully rationed.” 

Don't just eat McDonald's, get something a bit better. Eat a salad. That's what fashion is. It's something that is a bit better.

If you hear Anarchy in the UK today your hair stands on end. It gives you the shivers.

Be like water; water has form and yet it has no form. It is the softest element on earth, yet it penetrates the hardest rock.

“I may not be where I need to be but I thank God I am not where I used to be.” 

“Writing is like riding a bicycle: you don’t forget how, even if you go for years without doing it.” 

“Happiness is slippery, it slithers away between your fingers, but problems are something you can hold on to, they’ve got handles, they’re rough and hard” 

“I’ve done everything I wanted to do, even if I have had to pay a very high price – which has been the case most of the time.”