It's important to learn how to have conversations with other people where it's not debating but discussing.

Being an openly gay black man, unfortunately I've had experiences working with individuals who've tried to exploit my blackness or my gayness in a way that doesn't make me feel comfortable, or they try to manipulate me into being a caricature of myself.

My photo has nothing to do with the person I am, the dreams I have, the family I want to build, the family I'm from.

Most people have never been listened to, and they've never been asked questions that they want to be asked.

I would say for our straight allies, your job is to listen and not judge. Then, listen and not act.

Its rare to see a proud and out LGBT person win an Oscar in a lead or supporting actor role.

My household runs the same way it was with my parents, who were a mother and father with their kids.

People always look at reality shows and think, 'How do they fall in love so quickly?' When you are quarantined with the same people, the emotions you normally feel after a year come within a week.

I always had an ability to listen and give people the space to open up and express themselves, and I was hoping it would translate on TV.

When you break finances down in a way that kids can understand, it creates financial literacy that grows with them as they become adults.

I would like to encourage hip hop artists to invite those of us who are in the queer spaces in, so we can have those conversations. I love hip hop. If you bring me in the studio, I know how to act. And we can talk about what's not cool because, clearly, there's still homophobia that penetrates in all these areas.

My background is in social work and psychotherapy.

No matter if someone has personal feelings about my sexuality or how they view me, it's all of our job to continue to show up in spaces where we can say, 'You know what? I can figure out how to try to work with you.'

Most people don't remember the guy from 'The Real World.' They know the guy who is a professional, a father, and a friend that gives great advice.

I came out at 16 years old as a proud, gay man. My last girlfriend in high school - when I was 15 - became pregnant with my child but did not tell me.

When people hear my story, my hope is always that they start to believe that the life they want is possible for them, because I am living the life I've always dreamed.

I hate chapped lips.

I like walking into a home where each room has a slight scent that doesn't overpower the room and doesn't spread through the whole house.

I think that's one of the greatest gifts that I have: that I can get someone to open up, and all you have to do is ask a question and not feel like you need a response.

My first job ever was, I got hired by Oprah Winfrey.

We're trying to get the world to see it's not always about the outside, it's about the inside.

I will kick my best friend out of the way if RuPaul wants to stand next to me as my best man.

Celebrities have a platform, and people listen to them. And there's a lot of people that we are able to touch, who aren't watching activists and aren't watching the news, that are watching what celebrities say.

We have to continue to do the work, because we can't see people lose their lives over senseless gun violence.