“They could not understand the advantage of living contrary to their inclinations in this world in order to enjoy a hypothetical well-being in another. ” 

“Love like rain, can nourish from above, drenching couples with a soaking joy. But sometimes under the angry heat of life, love dries on the surface and must nourish from below, tending to its roots keeping itself alive.”

“Joy is sometimes a blessing, but it is often a conquest. Our magic moment help us to change and sends us off in search of our dreams. Yes, we are going to suffer, we will have difficult times, and we will experience many disappointments — but all of this is transitory it leaves no permanent mark. And one day we will look back with pride and faith at the journey we have taken.”

The more in harmony with yourself you are, the more joyful you are and the more faithful you are. Faith is not to disconnect you from reality - it connects you to reality.

The objective is to control your time – a non-renewable resource – and apply it where you have the highest leverage or enjoyment.

“We don’t laugh because we’re happy, we’re happy because we laugh.” 

“Well, your greatest joy definitely comes from doing something for another, especially when it was done with no thought of something in return.”

Profound joy of the heart is like a magnet that indicates the path of life.

“There were sins whose fascination was more in the memory than in the doing of them, strange triumphs that gratified the pride more than the passions, and gave to the intellect a quickened sense of joy, greater than any joy they brought, or could ever bring, to the senses.” 

“Perhaps in nearly every joy, as certainly in every pleasure, cruelty has its place.” 

“Experience was of no ethical value. It was merely the name men gave to their mistakes. Moralists had, as a rule, regarded it as a mode of warning, had claimed for it a certain ethical efficacy in the formation of character, had praised it as something that taught us what to follow and showed us what to avoid. But there was no motive power in experience. It was as little of an active cause as conscience itself. All that it really demonstrated was that our future would be the same as our past, and that the sin we had done once, and with loathing, we would do many times, and with joy.” 

“But youth smiles without any reason. It is one of its chiefest charms.” 

To fill the hour – that is happiness.

Whenever you are sincerely pleased, you are nourished. The joy of the spirit indicates its strength. All healthy things are sweet-tempered.

For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.

You shall have joy, or you shall have power, said God; you shall not have both.

My happiest days are those in which I do good work.

“My father did not have to trade dying alone for the joys of the road. My mother did not have to give up a journey of her own to have a home. Neither do I. Neither do you.” 

“Without leaps of imagination or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities.” 

“Do not enjoy yourself. Enjoy dances and theaters and joy-rides and champagne and oysters; enjoy jazz and cocktails and night-clubs if you can enjoy nothing better; enjoy bigamy and burglary and any crime in the calendar, in preference to the other alternative; but never learn to enjoy yourself.

Modern paintings are like women, you'll never enjoy them if you try to understand them.

We are formed and molded by our thoughts. Those whose minds are shaped by selfless thoughts give joy when they speak or act. Joy follows them like a shadow that never leaves them.

Should a person do good, let him do it again and again. Let him find pleasure therein, for blissful is the accumulation of good.