There's a lot of pretty funny women out there.

I don't pretend to be a great interviewer; I don't even pretend to be good at my job.

Seeing your parents fall apart is really rough. I wouldn't wish it on anybody.

I don't think I'm a good host. I'm not a good host. I'm terrible at hosting. That's my problem.

Every time I had a book come out, I'm like, 'Is it going to be number one?'

There are times I felt insecure or not sure: I'm unsure of myself, or I get nervous, but nerves are good. I try and embrace all those things. I try and embrace the times where I'm not sure of myself or I'm like, 'Is this going to work? Is this going to land?'

The challenge is to keep it fresh. If you're talking about Britney Spears over and over, it's very hard to keep that interesting.

I love a stupid joke, something that doesn't make any sense.

I didn't become a comedian to work this hard.

I'm into politics, and I love watching the heavier news magazine shows.

I'm very much about letting other people shine, because it makes us all shine brighter.

People ask me why I'm so hard on men. It's because they've gotten a really easy ride. And it's not that I think women should take over the world. But I do think it should be 50/50.

It's a pleasure to play my sister because everything I've accused her of my whole life, I can now re-enact before her eyes.

It's a dream come true to have someone else portray me. Because I've been living this life for a long time, and I'm over myself.

Men are always like, 'You're so intimidating.' I don't find myself to be. But whatever - I'm not going to try to be less intimidating. It's just a matter of finding a guy who's able to deal with it.

Have you ever been sued by a midget? It's not fun.

Everything isn't permanent, so don't pretend that it is. Everything's supposed to move and shift.

As the youngest of six kids, I grew up spending summers on Martha's Vineyard, and I was always topless. All the pictures are of me in jean shorts, no shirt - with my brothers, playing football.

I try not to cheat on my boyfriends when I have them.

Don't think about anything for too long. Even if it's off-the-wall, go for it. You'll have a lot more fun in life.

We women have to stick together.

I'm a devilish kind of person, but I embrace it. I don't try to fight it. It's proven very well for me.

I've always had a big personality. I was trickier as a kid. I behaved erratically instead of consistently. I would have tons of friends, and then I would have no friends. I'd be with the cool girls, then the uncool girls. I migrated from group to group because I was bored or people got bored with me. I was very intense.

You either become like your parents or you become the opposite of your parents. And I like to think that I'm the opposite of my parents.