I never wanted to be famous, I just wanted to be creative for my job, I suppose, and perform.

I think the city isn't talked about enough, there are not enough people championing Birmingham. When I was at university in Manchester I wasn't a fan, I was a bit down on my home city. But as I've got older I love living here. It's easy to get around the country to gigs, and it's a calming, friendly city.

Even though I now eat meat, I have halloumi every day - even at breakfast.

I sleep all the time! I often leave an event early because I want to have a snooze.

I originally came out as gay when I was a teenager, then backtracked when I thought I had closed off the market a bit!

Alan Carr is an out and proud gay man but there isn't a famous bisexual equivalent - it's a lot rarer.

It's a bit embarrassing for a company to be exposed for wrongdoing, but it's really embarrassing if it's done by making them the butt of a joke.

I'm so British and polite that creating a scene or being confrontational is so not my vibe.

I don't want someone to be nice and friendly while telling me my bill's gone up by 10 per cent because they've just decided that.

The Time It Takes' is one of the most brilliantly daft shows I've ever been involved in - and that's saying something.

I love 'Pointless.'

I was quite a fat lad.

I always loved 'The Weakest Link' and how brutal Anne Robinson was on it.

When I started stand-up, it was really just to have a go at alpha males essentially, there was no plan and there never has been really.

Normally during the week between Christmas and New Year I'm slumped in a chair in Birmingham, eating, farting and spouting total nonsense.

I'd done some acting and I didn't like being told what to do by the director, the structure of it.

Since doing comedy, I'm less of a show-off in real life.

I have always been an extrovert. When I was younger, I would go outside and sing to the flowers and pretend they were the orchestra. As one of my parents' friends said, I was an odd boy.

You should always ask for a refund at the theatre, apart from my shows, of course, where I won't be handing out any refunds.

I've attempted tech-free days when I turn off the phone and stare at the iPad instead.

I am now reconciled to the fact that I am a millennial through and through.

I can't have a KitKat without panicking.

In truth, I have absolutely no idea how to value my work.

World domination was never the plan.