Everything is scary if you look at it. So you just got to live.

I was scared of failing, and I was scared of succeeding. I just wanted to be in a safe space and not grow too big or be too little.

There is no good terror and bad terror. Terror is terror. There's not terror that you can accept and terror that you cannot accept. Terror is terror. Murder is murder.

My deepest fear about doing TV, especially about doing a network comedy, was what if it felt too surface-y? What if it felt too jokey?

I've started to get more stage fright the older I get.

I don't have to fear that if I do more comedy I'm not going to get to do everything I want. I'll get to do my 'Yentl.'

You don't have to be scared of me, because I am loyal. Why are people so scared of creative ideas and so scared of truth? All I want to do is do good.

“As Steven Pressfield, author of The War of Art describes: “Fear is good. Like self-doubt, fear is an indicator. Fear tells us what we have to do. Remember our rule of thumb: The more scared we are of a work or calling, the more sure we can be that we have to do it.” 

Of the big horror movies of the '70s, you have 'The Omen,' 'The Sentinel,' 'Rosemary's Baby,' 'The Stepford Wives,' 'Burnt Offerings' - these are all romantic fatalist movies where there's a sort of glimmer of hope... but darkness wins.

The fear of becoming old is born of the recognition that one is not living now the life that one wishes. It is equivalent to a sense of abusing the present.

The fear of becoming old is born of the recognition that one is not living now the life that one wishes.

I'm definitely not a fearless individual.

All the fear has left me now, I'm not frightened anymore. It's my heart that pounds beneath my flesh, it's my mouth that pushes out this breath.

No person who is enthusiastic about her work has anything to fear from life.

I admit it: above all things, I fear absurdity.

Vertigo is the conflict between the fear of falling and the desire to fall.

Fear is where the information is.

Don't you be afraid, sweetheart. Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do.

God has not given us a spirit of fear.

Fear is a sprit that really can stop you from living.

I'm afraid we shall waste an awful lot of time." "Don't worry," answered Snufkin, "we shall have wonderful dreams, and when we wake up it'll be spring.

What difference do it make if the thing you scared of is real or not?

I have irrational fears, and they all go back to losing my father as a kid. I've never gotten over it.

Some of us are afraid of dying; others of human loneliness. Profane was afraid of land or seascapes like this, where nothing else lived but himself.