"Exercise is bunk. If you are healthy, you don't need it: if you are sick you should not take it."

"Whatever you have, you must either use or lose."

"You don't build a reputation on what you're going to do"

"I guarantee you that's what Jeff Gordon does. He uses everything the fans throw at him to stoke his fire and it drives him to be better at what he does."

"You know, one wonderful thing that came out of my Enquirer experience is that, in my case, it was ruled tabloids are magazines. Which means they didn't have the protection that a newspaper has."

"I loved the Kennedy Center Honors because you just sit there, smile, wave, and cry."

"You have to really want it, and don't take it personally if you don't get a job. Because sometimes you're not the type. And sometimes it's somebody else's turn."

"You have to really want it, and don't take it personally if you don't get a job. Because sometimes you're not the type. And sometimes it's somebody else's turn."

"It's not a bad thing to be able to do many things onstage. If you're an entertainer, you should be able to entertain. I'm proud to say that I'm not a one-trick pony."

"Everybody I know who is funny, it's in them. You can teach timing, or some people are able to tell a joke, though I don't like to tell jokes. But I think you have to be born with a sense of humor and a sense of timing."

"You have to go through the falling down in order to learn to walk. It helps to know that you can survive it. That's an education in itself."

"The NBAs a Fortune 500 company. Thats how you look at it. And all the other Fortune 500 companies out there in the world, you dont see their CEOs and COOs going to work with white tees and baggy clothes and stuff like that. So I have to take that same approach."

"With the way everything's going now and the way that technology is going, you can do a lot of things with a lot of different new materials."

"Nobody should expect more of you than you expect of yourself."

"You've got to have fun on the court. If you ain't having fun, then basketball ain't fun."

"As long as you stay true to yourself and to who you are, you ain't in nobody's way."

"Allen Iverson is a ball hog. You will never win a championship with him on your team."

"I say 'come with it.' I'm not expecting anything easy. You have to earn your place. That's fine with me."

"Every year it's been people saying I can't do this or I can't do that. Y'all will see something different, I can tell you that."

"I just don't want to get used to feeling this feeling, you know, losing basketball games."

"When you've never had something, you want it worse than anything."

"And you are made of a hundred trillion cells. We are, each of us, a multitude."

"When for so long you can't get a job for reasons that seem specious, you you finally do have it, you are constantly afraid of losing it."

"Walking into a room filled with people you don't know but who know you brings out your worst vulnerabilities."