"On the stage he was natural, simple, affecting, 'Twas only when he was off, he was acting."

"But now in this day and age, people are more prone to go out to try new things to enhance their performance on the field - to enhance their physical appearance."

"I didn't really get comfortable until I got to UCLA, and I had to take an acting course because I was studying theater arts."

"Acting allows me to tell a lot of stories, you know start at the beginning, finish at the end, and tell everything in between. Modelling is just an image."

"Acting is something different to everybody. I just know that if you watch an actor or actress getting better and better, I think that's them just understanding themselves better and better."

"I've always been a huge fan of Julia Roberts. Without her what would the world be like?"

"The British are so incestuous. They pass around partners like they're passing popcorn at a movie."

"One of the great things about being an actor is that you do get to indulge in someone else's life."

"It was such a paradox for me that the only thing I know how to do is act, but that the first thing I abandoned while writing were the characters."

"When I work on a film, I always tend to relate to the crew."

"My first time I directed a play was 'No Exit,' a play set in a subway."

"I started out as a lousy actress and have remained one."

"Film-making was not at all what I had expected."

"I am really not interested in the cinema. I loathed it when I started six years ago, and I don't enjoy it even now."

"Vadim changed my mind about acting. Vadim was the only man who was certain I had something special to offer."

"I am not an actress. I can only play me - on and off the screen."

"I was just a cheap little starlet hardly acting at all in a very mediocre film."

"Every spoken word arouses our self-will."

"Directing takes a good chunk of your life out. It's a very hard thing. As an actor, you go in for a couple of months and do your job, and then you move onto another one. As a director, it's with you for quite some time and you're responsible for the entire thing, whether the results are good or bad, or whether people throw darts at you or put you on a pedestal."

"On TV you can, you know you can cram, you know, 30 people into a closet and have an orgy, and then they can all shoot up, and everybody has cigarettes in their nostrils and their ears. They don't care. So yeah, television is amazing right now."

"After you've done 60-something movies, you're always looking for something different."

"We didn't have a movie theatre until I was about nine, so I just didn't see them. But, once I got into movies I loved them."

"I like to be in control of how I look and how I feel and how I act."

"I just want to bring as much natural as I can. I'm not saying that people who take acting lessons are false. They're much better than I am, but it doesn't work for me."