"Space travel for everyone is the next frontier in the human experience."

"Everyone who's been in space would, I'm sure, welcome the opportunity for a return to the exhilarating experiences there."

"My expertise is the space program and what it should be in the future based on my experience of looking at the transitions that we've made between pre-Sputnik days and getting to the moon."

"I am excited to think that the development of commercial capabilities to send humans into low Earth orbit will likely result in so many more Earthlings being able to experience the transformative power of space flight."

"Do I wish I had never endured postpartum depression? Absolutely. But to deny the experience is to deny who I am."

"'50/50' is a comedy. I shouldn't say it's a buddy comedy because it's not farcical, and it's based on a true story, but it's viewing that experience through a very truthful lens of humour."

"I gave my beauty and my youth to men. I am going to give my wisdom and experience to animals"

"We're fortunate to be able to add someone with Mike's knowledge and experience to our staff. (With the Bills), he instilled in his players a sense of belief in his system and those leadership skills will serve him well in his new role."

"Experience, travel - these are as education in themselves"

"If someone is making a judgment when they don't have firsthand experience, it's intolerant. How can you make a judgment on something you don't know about?"

"You'll seldom experience regret for anything that you've done. It is what you haven't done that will torment you. The message, therefore, is clear. Do it! Develop an appreciation for the present moment. Seize every second of your life and savor it. Value your present moments. Using them up in any self-defeating ways means you've lost them forever."

"If experience has established any one thing in this world, it has established this: that it is well for any great class and description of men in society to be able to say for itself what it wants, and not to have other classes, the so-called educated and intelligent classes, acting for it as its proctors, and supposed to understand its wants and to provide for them. A class of men may often itself not either fully understand its wants, or adequately express them; but it has a nearer interest and a more sure diligence in the matter than any of its proctors, and therefore a better chance of success."

Don't waste time bathing in the negative experience. Spin your energy and focus your attention on moving on. Take the lesson from the hardship, and use it in the future. 

“Experience is what you have after you've forgotten her name.” 

My experience of working on this show, even though there is so much about sex and sexuality, and we find out a lot of facts and statistics that are very interesting, in their own right, I found that I started talking about relationships more, and the emotions, the difficulties and the challenges. So, I became far more open about that, which I think is probably an indication with the show itself.

But I just know from experience that accent wise, even if you're an accent genius, crossing the Atlantic is the hardest thing in the world either way.

“Experience is the oracle of truth; and where its responses are unequivocal, they ought to be conclusive and sacred.”

“Experience is the oracle of truth; and where its responses are unequivocal, they ought to be conclusive and sacred.”

We're all human beings. Experience is experience, let's just be honest. Let's not try and dissect suffering into a race, or whatever you want to call it. We're all human beings, one way or another. All races have gone through times that are challenging; that's part of being a human.

The plain state of being human is dramatic enough for anyone; you don't need to be a heroin addict or a performance poet to experience extremity. You just have to love someone.

It seems to me now that the plain state of being human is dramatic enough for anyone; you don't need to be a heroin addict or a performance poet to experience extremity. You just have to love someone.

So long as it doesn't get to the point where you don't remember whose opera you're listening to, I'm willing to experiment.

...you can only value something if you've experienced it.

I hated the 1960's feminists," she says. "They were dogmatists, you see. In comes ideology, and out goes common sense. This is my experience of life.