The yellow glistens. It glistens with various yellows, Citrons, oranges and greens Flowering over the skin.

The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.

For the listener, who listens in the snow, / And, nothing himself, beholds / Nothing that is not there and the nothing that is.

Not to be onto something is to be in despair.

Nobody goes there anymore, it's to crowded

Nobody goes to that restaurant anymore because it's too crowded.

I never said most of the things I said.

It can be passed on, but not received. It can be obtained, but not seen. 可傳而不可受,可得而不可見.

In Caribbean there is no middle class: you're either rich or you're poor. And the ladder to success is not really a ladder, it's a chain; once you reach a certain level, you can't go back and you can only keep going forward.

She tore off the kerchief from her head and let down her plentiful hair. The weight, the length, the glory was all there. She took careful stock of herself, then combed her hair and tied it back up again.

I did a radio interview for a station in Connecticut or something, and it was the worst interview ever. It was all yes and no answers.

“Yes, it is an interesting instance of a throwback, which appears to be both physical and spiritual.”

“...I object to rows because my nerves are shaken, and I get up at all sorts of ungodly hours, and I am extremely lazy. I have another set of vices when I'm well, but those are the principal ones at present.”

“There are some trees, Watson, which grow to a certain height, and then suddenly develop some unsightly eccentricity. You will see it often in humans.”

“A strong wind sang sadly as it bent the trees in front of the Hall. A half moon shone through the dark, flying clouds on to the wild and empty moor.”

“It came with the wind through the silence of the night, a long, deep mutter, then a rising howl, and then the sad moan in which it died away. Again and again it sounded, the whole air throbbing with it, strident, wild and menacing.”

“When a man writes on a wall, his instinct leads him to write above the level of his own eyes.”

“I had neither kith nor kin in England, and was therefore as free as air -- or as free as an income of eleven shillings and sixpence a day will permit a man to be. Under such circumstances, I naturally gravitated to London, that great cesspool into which all the loungers and idlers of the Empire are irresistibly drained.”

“It is quite a three pipe problem, and I beg that you won't speak to me for fifty minutes.”

“I inquired for Mrs. Reynolds and was shewn up stairs, at the head of which she met me and conducted me into a bed room. I took the bill out of my pocket and gave it to her. Some conversation ensued from which it was quickly apparent that other than pecuniary consolation would be acceptable.”

“The Tortoise never for a moment stopped, but went on with a slow but steady pace straight to the end of the course.”

“THE WOLF AND THE LAMB A Wolf came upon a Lamb straying from the flock,”

“The Boys and the Frogs SOME BOYS, playing near a pond, saw a number of Frogs in the water and began to pelt them with stones. They killed several of them, when one of the Frogs, lifting his head out of the water, cried out: "Pray stop, my boys: what is sport to you, is death to us.”

“Sometimes the slow ones blame the active for the delay.”