I just hate losing and that gives you an extra determination to work harder.

Glory, as anyone knows, is bitter stuff.

I never hated a man enough to give him diamonds back.

“Only cowards insult dying majesty.”

“Hatred and anger are the greatest poison to the happiness of a good mind. There is, in the very feeling of those passions, something harsh, jarring, and convulsive, something that tears and distracts the breast, and is altogether destructive of that composure and tranquillity of mind which is so necessary to happiness, and which is best promoted by the contrary passions of gratitude and love.”

“Hatred and anger are the greatest poison to the happiness of a good mind.”

“Let people realize clearly that every time they threaten someone or humiliate or unnecessarily hurt or dominate or reject another human being, they become forces for the creation of psychopathology, even if these be small forces. Let them recognize that every person who is kind, helpful, decent, psychologically democratic, affectionate, and warm, is a psychotheraputic force, even though a small one.”

Hatred is like a wild fire it can destroy everything in its path!

“Hatred is so much easier to win than love - and so much harder to get rid of.”

Hatred can be overcome only by love.

If you hate to lose, you do whatever you need to do to make sure you're business is successful.

Hate, emotionalism, and frustration are not policies.

John F. Kennedy was the victim of the hate that was a part of our country. It is a disease that occupies the minds of the few but brings danger to the many.

The masses do not like those who surpass them in any regard. The average man envies and hates those who are different.

I hate failure and that divorce was a Number One failure in my eyes. It was the worst period of my life. Neither Desi nor I have been the same since, physically or mentally.

I like someone who doesn't take life too seriously. I hate people who are a bit uptight.

I hate the truth so much that i'd rather have a giant dose of bulls**t anyday

Ignore all hatred and criticism. Live for what you create, and die protecting it.

"She hated people who thought too much. At that moment, she struck me as an appropriate representative for almost all mankind."

I hate victims who respect their executioners.

Hatred, as well as love, renders its votaries credulous.

I hate books; they only teach us to talk about things we know nothing about.

"I hate interviews - but you have to do them."