"Part of the problem that all of tech is having with respect to jobs is they significantly over-hired during the boom times and to some degree the past few years has been payback for overaggressive hiring. But I think that process is largely over and we should see slightly better job growth in tech by this time next year."

"On the national level, I think you'll see weakness in jobs figures for September, October and maybe even November."

"We have a sturdy job market."

"I do not allot work to this person or that, or consult anyone for ideas and suggestions."

"I've got a job to do."

"Work without vision is drudgery. Vision without work is dreaming. Work plus vision-this is destiny."

"Less talk - more work! There is too much talking going on. Because of excessive talking, spiritual energy is being wasted."

"All works are God's. He inspires, He helps, He executes, He enjoys, He is pleased, He reaps and He sowed."

"For the progress of humanity, work alone is not adequate, but the work should be associated with love, compassion, right conduct, truthfulness and sympathy. Without the above qualities, selfless service cannot be performed."

"Whatever work we do, whatever sacrifices we perform, they are not of much use in the absence of love."

"Work disinterestedly. Content to do one's duty as best as one can."

"I'm a workaholic. I've been doing my job for a long time."

"No fine work can be done without concentration and self-sacrifice and toil and doubt"

"We have a lot of work to do, and we have to improve our batting,"

"Getting them all the amount of work necessary is important as long as the three of them are still competing for the job. We're going to try our best to give them equal opportunity. We'll figure out a way to do it."

"If there hadn't been an injury, they probably would have played every game together. I like the way they work off each other."

"No matter what threesome I seem to have in there, they go out and do their job. But they've had an ability this year at times to go out and turn a game our way."

"They do come in bunches. The guys were on top of their routes and did a nice job of running the cuts with the receivers. Our guys can cover."

"We need to understand that it's about working through the tough times. You work through the critical points in the game and keep your eye on the target. Do your job. This is a lesson that we needed to learn."

"There's a conundrum, ... My company needs me. I would like to get back to work. I would like this to be over."

"Many of my executives have worked with me since the beginning. I can be fair and decisive and encouraging as well as demanding."

"Cabrera just stepped up and did a great job."

"Naturally, the workers are perfectly free; the manufacturer does not force them to take his materials and his cards, but he says to them..'If you don't like to be frizzled in my frying- pan, you can take a walk into the fire."

"Our guys have worked hard this spring and we have had good competition at a lot of positions."